
What are the occult symptoms of kidney disease

Abrupt onset of acute pyelonephritis, clinical manifestations of the onset of chills, fever, back pain is usually accompanied by abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, dysuria, urinary frequency and nocturia increased, the disease can occur in all ages, but the most common women of childbearing age.

General symptoms

Fever, chills, body temperature more in the 38 ~ 39 ℃, can be as high as 40 ℃, heat type varies, generally was remittent type, can also be intermittent or missed type, with headache, body aches, may have a sweat when the heat back Wait.

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Urinary symptoms

Patients with low back pain, mostly dull pain or soreness, to varying degrees, a small abdominal cramps, radiation in the direction of the ureter to the bladder; in the ureter point examination (outside the rectus abdominis and the umbilical level line intersection) or rib waist point (outer edge of the psoas muscle and rib twelve intersections) tenderness, kidney area percussion pain positive, patients often have urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and other symptoms of bladder irritation, systemic infection symptoms.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

May have a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, individual patients may have pain in the upper abdomen or whole abdomen.

Pediatric patients

Urinary symptoms in pediatric patients often obvious, when the disease in addition to fever and other systemic symptoms, often convulsive, seizure.
Chronic pyelonephritis understand people should know, chronic pyelonephritis is caused by urinary tract infection, and in the care of chronic pyelonephritis, often need a lot of water, and why chronic pyelonephritis to drink more water has become Many people doubt that even some people after being asked the doctor, but also to drink plenty of water as the ear and listen to it, heard it and forget it for chronic pyelonephritis care are very unfavorable.

Because only patients with chronic pyelonephritis intake of water as much as possible, in order to have the effect of increasing the amount of urine, in order to achieve wash the bladder, urethra purposes, thereby reducing urinary tract irritation, due to chronic pyelonephritis is delayed healing due to acute pyelonephritis from , if it does not pay attention, then fear due to progression of the disease and lead to chronic renal failure, so one foot into the door of uremia, so care for chronic pyelonephritis, must pay attention to.

Generally, the care of chronic pyelonephritis, the daily water intake at least more than 2000 ml in order to achieve good results, otherwise, chronic pyelonephritis care may have little effect, or even no good.

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