
Intense Exercise-induced Renal Injury

Often receive such clinical cases - after a busy high school students in academic physical education played a football, the next day they found themselves no urine, edema and legs; long white-collar workers do not exercise, to change own sub-health state, do gym two hours of continuous motion, but, hematuria; Ms. Amy to lose weight fast, then by skipping, aerobics, running, etc. continuous exercise every day, a few days later, the body has been feeling unwell, often appear backache, nausea and vomiting feeling ......

These acute kidney injury is a result of strenuous exercise
Daily stress larger youth, its body mostly in the sub-health state, sudden strenuous exercise is likely to cause muscle damage. Skeletal muscle due to the rapid movement unscientific damage, muscle damage caused by rhabdomyolysis, triggering myoglobin increased. Muscle injury or even because of these reasons after necrosis, protein muscle cells in the blood influx, blocking the tubules, so that kidney function is impaired. In addition, myosin itself can be broken down in the body into nephrotoxic ingredients, to produce further harm tubules, and thus lead to acute renal failure.

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Rhabdomyolysis precisely, not simply a disease, but a series of pathological changes of syndrome. Typical "triad" including myalgia, fatigue and dark urine. Less if long-term high-intensity exercise after exercise suddenly found himself malaise, muscle pain and weakness, fever, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, change, etc., we must vigilantly best to the hospital for medical examination, oliguria , no urine and other symptoms of kidney damage, and often do not appear in an early stage.

Timely treatment is important

Treatment of rhabdomyolysis is first treated accordingly for the cause of rhabdomyolysis, such as excessive exercise, they must immediately stop the movement of bed rest, squeeze squeeze caused by lifting, drug-induced deactivation immediately suspicious drugs. If you are a patient with acute renal failure, but also for hemodialysis treatment when necessary. Rhabdomyolysis though ferocious, but generally does not leave sequelae, most patients go through in time, after appropriate treatment can be back to normal in a relatively short period.

Expert advice

Long-term exercise, in a healthy condition of the people, we must do what at the beginning of the movement. Usually physical exercise should pay attention to the ways and means, should start small amount of exercise, according to their own physical condition gradually increased to the appropriate intensity and difficulty.

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