
Is Amla Good For Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

Is alma ok for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients? Diet plays an important role in the kidney disease treatment. Then can CKD patients eat amla?

In fact, there are some benefits of eating amla for CKD patients.

1. Improve the immune system

Amla is high in vitamin C, so it can help improve the immune system and prevent infections and inflammations in kidneys. Then it can help protect the kidneys.

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2. Protect the cardiovascular system

With the development of CKD, patients can get the complications in cardiovascular system. Eating amla can help protect the cardiovascular system, so it will be good for CKD patients.

3. Antioxidant function

Amla also has the function of antioxidant, so it can help protect the cells in body and protect the kidneys as well.

Above are some of the benefits of eating amla for CKD patients. However, since CKD is a progressive kidney disease, so the specific illness condition will be different from case to case, so CKD patients need to eat proper amount of amla depending on their own condition by following the advice of their doctors.

Although amla has so many benefits for kidney disease patients, it is not enough to treat kidney disease. To treat kidney disease, Chinese medicine treatments are recommended like Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated bath, foot bath, Mai Kang Mixture, etc. All these therapies are characteristic therapies in our hospital. If you want to learn more information about our therapies, you can leave us a message to xuelingren1991@sina.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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