
What is the Best Treatment for Renal Cysts

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, its genetic probability of about 50%. In recent years, the discovery of polycystic kidney disease and morbidity annually. That most doctors are currently on the treatment of polycystic kidney disease and not a particularly good way, when the cyst is small, it is often most doctors will recommend without treatment, the body will not be affected, not to be treated as Conventional Western medicine cyst surgery is only one way, if the cyst is small, less wear surgery. Wait until the cysts grow up, you can do the biopsy surgery. As everyone knows, the cyst itself is not terrible, but increases to a certain extent would be oppressive renal tissue, resulting in tissue ischemia and hypoxia, and even affect renal function.

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Most patients with renal cysts by surgery, after the cyst was punctured, cystic fluid smaller. However, due to the presence of certain traumatic surgery, and may also cause postoperative infection. More importantly, it does not control the continued growth of cysts and cyst growth factors are also constantly give birth to a new cyst. And other cysts grow again when they do puncture surgery routine treatment, and so forth, severe renal impairment, the disease progresses, the final outcome are often most patients with polycystic kidney uremia!

So, what is the best treatment for renal cysts are? The key is to treat cystic cystic fluid discharge, cyst softened so small, so as to mitigate damage to the kidneys and fundamentally oppressive. And also out of a judgment of the disease misunderstanding: the size of the cyst does not determine the condition of the standard, but the tension inside the cyst, which is the root cause of intracapsular pressure is caused by kidney failure. If there is a way to make the cyst fluid drain out, and then make the cysts shrink, in order to reduce cuff pressure fundamentally. At the same time and then continue with some measures to control the growth of cysts. This is the best treatment for renal cysts. It can be undone using this method of kidney hospital treatment of renal cysts.

High concentrations of traditional Chinese medicine in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital treatment of cystic kidney disease through high-tech iontophoresis device, not directly through the digestive tract and in the kidney area network penetrate through kidney meridians, thereby increasing wall permeability, accelerate blood circulation, promote cyst fluid discharge so intracapsular pressure decreased, thereby protecting renal function. While taking advantage of controlling the growth of cysts by the drug directly through drug treatment, no longer control the growth of cysts, but also dissolves stones, kidney stones, eliminate stagnant water, improved kidney function, renal hypertension better. Such has been the treatment of renal cysts fundamentally solve the problem of reaching effect.

To remind the majority of patients with polycystic kidney, kidney damage due pathology is irreversible, must be treated early, rather than by some doctors misleading, until the development of large cyst treatment again, this time had finished now!

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