
Nursing Care For Children With Nephrotic Syndrome

Do not especially tired.

Poor child's self-restraint, home from the hospital will feel very fresh, easy to play too tired, lack of sleep, parents should pay special attention to the arrangements for the boy's schedule, try to get enough rest.

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Do not eat salty foods. 

Diet should pay attention to salt and blood pressure has not dropped to a normal child, it is very important. But the food without salt will affect the appetite, to use low-salt diet. After the disappearance of edema and hypertension, is available to improve the general diet, but also light and can not salty. Soda bread and biscuits also contain sodium, it is best not to feed their children. You can let the children eat some fresh vegetables and fruits to supplement vitamin body.

Do not wear long clothes do not change.
Kidney infections often induce relapse reasons. Frequent bathing locker, keep the skin clean to prevent skin infections.

Try not to go to public places. 

To keep indoor air fresh, try not to bring the child to shops, cinemas and other public places. Note change clothes according to climate change, the prevention of colds.

Nephrotic syndrome patients please pay attention that when symptoms of nephrotic syndrome are alleviated, we have to do to select a diet, avoid the disease again, a good diet is the key to a cure, let's look Look rehabilitation friend nephrotic syndrome patients diet. 1, the staple food intake: a normal dietary intake of bread, rice, etc. 2, sodium intake: normal taste or bland diet 3, high-quality protein intake: according to 1.0 ~ 1.2g / (kg body weight per day) every day about: 1 egg white / 1 two lean meat / half a cup of milk 4, commonly used edible vegetables: tofu, Chinese cabbage, green onions (seasoning), cabbage, bracken, Atriplex, square melon, chayote, green bean sprouts, Red sweet potatoes, beans, cucurbits, beans, gourd, eggplant, cabbage, onion, melon, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, herbs, beans, peppers (seasoning), taro, lentils, carrots, Chrysanthemum, garlic yellow, garlic, celery, leek, lettuce, cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet persimmon pepper, bean sprouts, lettuce, rape, yam, lotus root, mustard, garlic (flavor), ginger, alfalfa, bitter gourd, spinach, potherb mustard, dried fungus, . white fungus, shepherd's purse, potatoes 5, taboos: fishy spicy, fried, aquatic products such as fish, crab, pepper, garlic, green onions, parsley, vinegar.

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