
Top Ten Common Symptoms Of Kidney Disease

When you are diagnosed with kidney disease, you may experience a series of complications. Signs and symptoms of kidney disease may include:

1. Edema

Edema often occurs in eyelids, ankles and hips. When edema is in serious condition, patients may be complicated with pleural effusion, ascites and edema in perineum. If the skin wounded, the edema fluid would flow continuously. The swelling location may change with the body position. To identify to have or not edema, except finger pressing, another method is body weight with empty stomach every morning.

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2. Oliguria and Anuria

For adults, when their 24 hours urine volume is less than 400 ml, it is called Oliguria, and less than 100 ml, called Anuria. At this condition, the kidneys already cannot discharge out the waste products and toxin along with the urine, cannot regulate the water and electrolyte and keep the internal environment stable.

3. Polyuria and Nocturia

The urine volume at night is more than 2500 ml, it is called Polyuria. If there are no extra renal factors, such as: drinking much water, using dieresis drugs, diabetes and diabetes insipidus, polyuria is indicating renal tubular concentrating insufficiency. For the healthy young people, the day-night urination is regular, the urine at day is more than at night, and the ratio is 2:1. For urine at night, the volume should be less than 750 ml, if the urine at night is increasing and the ratio is changed, this is also an indication of renal tubular concentrating deterioration.

4. Frequent urination, urgent urination and painful urination

For normal person, the daily urinate is 4-6 times, and at night is 0-2 times. Frequent urination refers to urinate times increasing; urgent urination refers to people cannot hold a bladder and urge to urinate; painful urination refers to urinate with burning pain in the urethral orifice and low abdomen. These conditions are often seen in urocystitis, urethritis and prostatitis, which is the manifestation of bacterial infection, but also seen in urinary irritation without infection.

5. Blood urine

Blood urine is a common clinical manifestation in urinary system disease. It is because of the blood running through the damaged glomeruli and renal tubules or urinary tract and sneaked into urine. The blood urine can be classified into gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria according to its appearance and color. If there is more blood in urine and we can see it by our naked eyes, it is called gross hematuria. The gross hematuria color looks like washing-meat water, and occasionally it may contain blood clots. The acidic urine is dark brown like coffee, reddish brown or tea color; the alkali urine is fresh red. When the blood is less in urine, it can't be seen by naked eyes, we must see it with the help of microscopic, it is called microscopic hematuria. Commonly, the appearance of microscopic hematuria is normal. It is generally acknowledged that the gross hematuria is commonly to be seen in kidney stones, tumors and urinary surgery diseases, and microscopic hematuria is commonly to be seen in glomerular diseases.

6. Proteinuria

Proteinuria is the most common manifestation in kidney disease. For the healthy adults, the total proteinurine of 24 hours is commonly less than 150 mg, and for young people the total proteinurine is a little bit higher, but the maximum is not higher than 300 mg. If there is proteinuria in the urine test, people should have a further test of protein for 24 hours or microalbumin to confirm whether it is kidney disease.

7. Other abnormality of urine test

If there is occult blood, cast urine and urine specific gravity changes as low specific gravity, people should pay attention to have a careful test to confirm whether it is kidney disease.

8. More foams in the urine

Foams increased may be variety of courses, such as taking some food rich with protein recently. But when there are large amount of protein in the urine, the foams will be increased. So the people should do a 24 hours quantitation examination of urinary to exclude the possibility of urine protein.

9. High blood pressure

Kidneys have the close relation with the blood pressure, so for the patients with kidney disease, when they go to see the doctor and do some test they should have a test for their blood pressure. If the blood pressure increased, it always indicates that the disease is in worse condition. And, the patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to their urine test to observe the relation between blood pressure changing and the urine protein increasing and decreasing, so as to help the doctor to differentiate the cause whether kidney disease leads to hypertension or hypertension leads to the kidney damaged. Blood pressure increased with an unknown cause, the patient should do an urine test to confirm the condition of the urine and kidney function, to make sure whether there is kidney lesions.

10. Low back pain

Paroxysmal serious back pain is radiate to perineum to inner thigh along the abdominal side, or companied with vomiting is called renal colic. It is common to be seen in pelvis stone or ureteral stone. At this condition the patient should observe whether there is blood in urine. If patients with pyelonephritis, their back pain will company with fever and with percussion pain in renal area, and their urine test WBC presents increasing and urine culture presents bacteria growth. For patients with glomerular disease, most of them felt uncomfortable at back with dull pain and soreness pain.

In addition to these 10 symptoms above mentioned, if the patient occurs to urine retention, urinary incontinence, they should go to hospital to have a detail examination to make clear the disease causes. If the patient occurs to fatigue, poor appetite, weakness, pale face and anemia, it should be considered the possibility of chronic renal failure. On this condition, patients should test their kidney function, and at the guidance of the doctor to do the blood and urine test to get the clear diagnosis.

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