
What Is The Diet For Kidney Failure Patients In Autumn

It is specifically formulated for the Yang Shen principle fall, from September to November Gregorian locate the autumn, autumn is the most common Qiuzao problem, so we fall to do common health care work, Yang Shen fall should be noted that there is little common sense what does? Following on from the Xiaobian to introduce yourself!

It recommends that patients with kidney disease mainly vegetarian, meat, supplemented by note with a reasonable diet of meat and vegetables, to be reasonable intake of nutrients and minerals, helps to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. In addition to diet with, but also should pay attention to the following aspects:

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First, the strict control of potassium intake. The most common problem is the emergence of hyperkalemia in patients with uremia, due to lack of renal excretion of potassium function, resulting in potassium excretion disorders, which greatly affect the disease, and therefore these patients need low potassium diet, and control potassic intake. Specific methods are as follows:

1, before fried green leafy vegetables, have not seen the first vegetables in water vegetables soak for half an hour, and then again with water and then fried vegetables boiled to filtration of excess potassium vegetables.

2, rich in potassium for potato or sweet potato and other root vegetables category, should be peeled, cut into thin slices soaked in a quarter of an hour before cooking.

3, vegetable soup generally higher potassium content, kidney patients can choose to eat melon soup, melon soup because potassium content is lower compared to vegetable soup.

4, canned fruit and fried vegetables will reduce their production process in potassium content, reducing patients after intake of potassium excretion burden, kidney patients can eat less and moderate eating canned fruit.

5, the mall sold most salt substitutes and salt-free soy oil is rich in a lot of potassium, kidney patients are unfit for use.

Second, insist on a low sodium diet quality. Sodium intake more kidney patients will exacerbate edema, a direct result of increased blood pressure, can also cause renal dialysis patients thirsty. Diet flavor patients should be light, reducing the use of high-sodium condiments such as salt, monosodium glutamate, or a variety of sauces. Avoid salty garnish ingredients, such as pickled mustard, pickles and other auxiliary dishes. When you purchase canned vegetables, use clean water system, do not choose saline infused. For the low-sodium diet is not monotonous, not a single taste, optional auxiliary seasoning dry tone categories, such as: pepper, peppercorns, Ma pepper, vinegar, wine, allspice, star anise, vanilla, orange peel, mustard, spring onion, ginger, garlic, coriander and pepper.

Now suffering from kidney disease in the fall of autumn, to prevent drying, keep the body's nutrition, to prevent moisture loss, so be sure to refer to the fall of small series of patients with kidney disease diet to offer you!

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