
Seven Good Ways To Protect Your Kidneys

Kidney is the innate, kidney health on health is very important, then, how do we Yang Shen? Experts recommend seven ways to help you to protect your kidneys.

1, abstinence

Excessive sexual intercourse is renal injury, kidney injury is the main reason for this loss of fine too, because the fine is one of our personal treasures, fine protection is to protect the kidneys, so their daily lives to pay attention to abstinence, do not indulge.

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2, wary of drug harm

Total daily life, we will inevitably get sick medication, and many drugs on the kidneys are influential, for kidney injury we have to be careful taking the drug to avoid renal injury, the best time to take medication under the guidance of physicians medication.

3, prevention and treatment of kidney infection

The occurrence of some diseases affect not only the site of disease, but also affect our kidneys, such as urinary tract infections, sinusitis, etc. So, Yang Shen kidney should pay attention to the prevention of these diseases. Drink plenty of water every day to maintain normal urine prevent urinary tract infections, like sinusitis, tonsillitis, tooth decay and other such diseases should pay attention to prevention.

4, the spirit nursed back to health

Our state of mind affects the internal organs healthy, thinking injured spleen, fear of renal injury, fear will cause our invisible kidney damage, causes the body to become weak. Therefore, in spirit, we want to keep cheerful mood, to feel comfortable.

5, massage soles of the feet

The soles of the feet we have a lot of points, often massage the soles of the feet can play the efficacy of kidney Yang Shen, let kidney strong. Feet heart Yongquan acupuncture points called it sew a straight line with the front third of the heel line at the intersection of the second and third metatarsophalangeal us, on this point in the kidney, often rub rub, can treat kidney. In addition, every day before going to bed with a hot foot bath, then rub the soles of the feet, can enhance our resistance, anti-aging.

6, eat foods kidney

Food is a part of health can not be ignored, Yang Shen also have to pay attention to diet, hot, cold, high-salt foods to eat, to eat high vitamin, low-fat, low-cholesterol foods, such as green beans, red bean, watermelon , melon, yam, sesame, walnut and other.

7, massage waist

Undress, sitting in a chair or bed, first rubbing his hands, feeling the heat of your hands when your hands on the waist position, waist rub up and down, until the waist also feel a sense of fever so far. In fact, when we are in rubbing the waist, massage to a lot of points, such as sea air hole, Shenshu, Vital Points, these points are relevant to our kidneys, massage to heat when you can play qi and blood circulation, dredge meridians effect, can Zhuang waist Warming.

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