
Kidney tips Introduction

"In the course of the treatment of kidney disease in patients with kidney disease should strengthen attention to diet, many patients friend will blindly believe that as long as nourishing, is beneficial in the treatment of kidney disease experts point out that this is wrong behavior, Excessive use of some food will only increase the burden on the kidneys, are not conducive to the treatment of kidney disease.

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A common sense diet

Low-salt diet to diet, to eat some light, eat with wine and spicy foods, Eat less greasy and containing animal protein and more Hunxing foods (such as fatty meat, shrimp, crab, etc.).

Two common sense diet

Edema, hypertension, heart failure, should eat less salt or salt-free diet.

Three common sense diet

Eat beans and their products (such as tofu, bean sprouts, soy flour, etc.).
Diet Knowledge four

Renal insufficiency, uremic patients must pay special attention to:

1) The fasting beans and their products, Eat nuts (such as: walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, etc.) and preserved foods (such as pickles, pickled vegetables, etc.).

2) limited renal failure kidney drainage capacity, the need to control water intake, recommended by the formula: the amount of water = the previous day's total urine + 500-800 ml.

3) daily consumption of protein (such as lean meat, milk, eggs, etc.) should control the amount. Every man according to the patient condition, general adult daily 2-3 two around, and points 3-5 times to eat.

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