
What Medicines can Increase Creatinine Level?

What medicine will lead to high creatinine level? Creatinine level is a sensitive indicator that reflects the condition of kidney function. When the kidney function is injured, the creatinine will increase. The severest the kidney function is injured, the higher the creatinine level is. However, there are some common drugs can also lead to creatinine level increase. This article will tell you the information.


Antibiotic is a common use drugs. It is mainly using to treat and prevent all kinds of infection. But some antibiotics, such as Aminoglycosides, Cephalosporin, Polymyxin and Amphotericin B, can lead to kidney function damage and creatinine level increase.

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2.Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACE)

ACE inhibitor is a kind of drugs for patients to lower down the blood pressure. And it is the first choice for patients with kidney problem to control high blood pressure. But some patients with impaired kidney function, such as narrowing of the arterial vessels in the kidneys, should not take ACE Inhibitors because they can further damage the kidneys and raise creatinine levels.


Diuretic is a common clinical drugs to relieve the edema. But long-term use of diuretics can cause the kidney's to work overtime trying to compensate and the result is an increase in sodium reabsorption which can further lead to increase creatinine levels.

4.Chemotherapy Drugs

Several chemotherapy drugs like Cisplatin, Carbplatin, Carmustine, Mitomycin and Methotrexate may cause kidney damage and produce creatinine levels increase. Patients receiving these drugs must have labs drawn prior to administration to check their creatinine levels to make sure that their kidneys can handle the drugs.

5.NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs)

Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, such as acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, butazodine, diclofenac and indometacin and piroxicam usp and so on, have the side-effects, such as kidney failure. So it is also considered as the drugs that can lead to creatinine level increase.

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