
A Six Year-old Boy Get Rid Of Nephrotic Syndrome Successfully

You'll never see him to believe the disease left him so close, the ward has his moments and lively figure, with his smile, in fact, he does not know in the end what ails, but the mother flowing tears have told every day the child in the end because of what we came here.

Wang Xiaowei of Hebei Province in 2012 due to the discovery of intermittent double eyelid and lower extremity edema checks 3+ proteinuria was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. After the diagnosis has been using hormone therapy, intermittent checks and year and a half after the withdrawal, sometimes repeatedly period, due to the treatment effect is not obvious, the Trustee learned authoritative hospital to inquire about the treatment of kidney disease, and soon come to treatment.

Xiaowei came to the hospital to do a thorough examination of the results of the first diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome with normal renal function, although Xiaowei symptoms do not reach severe proportions, but the treatment can not be taken lightly ten thousand, kidney disease is a stubborn, a little do not pay attention it may become chronic long lasting consequences for Xiaowei disorder that physician Zhang uses a combination therapy, Chinese medicine, although effective slow but can be conditioned fundamentally stable Western medicine can effectively control the disease, both to each other to achieve the ultimate combination for therapeutic purposes.

In the next two months in the hospital stay, physician Dr. Chang, rounds every day to keep abreast of developments Xiaowei disease. During treatment, Xiaowei condition significantly improved, stable vital signs, cardiopulmonary abdominal examination showed no abnormalities, facial swelling disappeared, lower extremity edema lighter, in the final length of stay can sleep in Xiaowei diet, other the physical characteristics of good performance, physical recovery of obvious, herbal penetration therapy eventually resumed Xiaowei previous naivete.

Although after Xiaowei discharged, but the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine penetration therapy continues, we will continue to consolidate the treatment, to ensure that achieve better results.

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