
What Complications Will Be Caused By PKD

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease, incidence of treatment more difficult, a serious threat to the health of patients. What are the complications it can cause polycystic kidney disease? Many patients are very concerned about this issue, this issue we ask kidney disease patients who experts.

Polycystic kidney disease is covered with large and small throughout the kidney cysts, these cysts increases with age and grow, so will pressure the kidneys, so that the structure of kidney damage, reduce the number of renal units produce urine, kidney damage later the person can not maintain a normal life, then there will be uremia.

Lower back pain, there is a common symptom of kidney stones merge polycystic kidney disease is high blood pressure, hematuria, enlarged kidneys, urinary tract infection, back pain will have a bleeding cyst will lumbago infection, fever, hydronephrosis at will colic, hematuria. Early polycystic kidney disease is mainly symptomatic treatment, control blood pressure and infection, mid possible surgery, surgery can remove a large cyst, mitigate damage to the kidneys, kidney extend the use of time, can only rely on dialysis patients with advanced (such as hemodialysis) to instead of the kidneys to work.

If polycystic kidney dialysis often bleeding, infection, surgery should be removed, as do kidney transplants, it's best to cut. Polycystic kidney disease patients do not usually pay attention to nephrotoxic drugs, drinking water to prevent infection and stones, to prevent the waist by the impact, taking effective antihypertensive drugs, so prolong life kidneys.

And that will lead to polycystic kidney complications introduce what, I believe we all understand it. I hope we can correct understanding of their illness, aggressive treatment. Avoid complications.

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