
Is There Any Other Option For Kidney Failure With Creatinine 7.2

“Hello, doctor. My father’s creatinine is 7.2 and he wants to seek alternative treatment for him. Is there any treatment other than transplant for kidney failure with creatinine 7.2?

Is it the time to take transplant for patient with creatinine level 7.2?

In clinic, after patient’s creatinine level up to 8.0 or their kidney function lower than 15%, the doctors will recommend them to take dialysis or transplant. But in fact, for patients with serious symptoms, they may take them earlier. So for kidney failure patient with creatinine 7.2 they are facing this choice to take dialysis or transplant.

However, as we all know both of them will cost large amount of money and bring many side-effects. So people are seeking some other alternative therapies.
Is there any other treatment other than transplant and dialysis in treating kidney failure?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an innovation of traditional Chinese herb medicine, it can be a good alternative of those two treatment as we mentioned above. It can help kidney disease patient enjoy a high quality life by improving their kidney function.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy improve kidney function?

You know this kind of therapy has four main function, they are anti-inflammation, anti-thrombosis, anti-coagulation and enlarge blood vessels.

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