
How Do Dialysis Patients Treat Kidney Disease

Dialysis is primarily used to provide an artificial replacement for lost kidney function due to renal failure, it is a lifesaving treatment. However, this kind of treatment can not repair the damaged kidneys nor protect the residual ones from further damage, so it can not help patient get out of kidney disease ?

Is it possible for dialysis patient to cure their disease ?

As we mentioned at the beginning, dialysis can not cure kidney disease so for patient who are undergoing it they may need to rely on it for the rest of their life. That is to say for kidney failure patient who are in dialysis for four days they may have to live on it.

However, it is not the same in our days. With the times going, doctors has invented a series of therapies based on traditional Chines Herb Medicines which are aims at repairing the damaged kidney tissues and protecting the residual ones from hurt. With the help of those therapies, dialysis patient can get a chance get rid of it.

What treatments can help kidney disease patient live a better life without dialysis ?

The most well-known therapies are known as Top Seven Treatments, which is a series of therapies based on traditional Chinese Medicine. Cooperated with each other those therapies can help patient get rid of dialysis gradually by improving the patient’s kidney function.

Top seven therapy includes circle therapy, hot compress therapy, full bath therapy, oral Chinese Medicine therapy, foot bath therapy, enema therapy and moxibustion therapy. If you want to get detailed information, you can consult our online doctor or leave us a message to xuelingren1991@sina.com.

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