
Creatinine 2.33 in Chronic Kidney Disease Is Controlled By Home Remedies

CKD,called Chronic Kidney Disease,is a progressive loss in renal function over several months or years. Owing to the chronicity and complexity,there are no obvious symptoms and complications that can remind patients of the renal damage in early stage of CKD. Once patients feel uncomfortable and go to see a doctor or do some tests on their kidneys,their disease condition is not optimistic.

Home Remedy is a kind of psychotherapy that is used in family to treat the disease of somebody. It is a progressive measure that can help patients change their daily life and control or relieve patients disease condition.

1. Keep a healthy diet.

For all most of CKD patients,a healthy diet is necessary for them to prevent the disease from advancing. A low intake of water,salt,fat and a high quality of protein is beneficial for patients condition.

2. Keep a positive mental attitude.

A positive mental attitude plays an important role in controlling and relieving patients disease condition. Depression may even worsen their condition and accelerate the patients demise. Optimistic emotion can even increase patients immunity and improve their living quality.

3. A proper exercise.

If patients disease condition is not serious,it is good for patients to take some exercise. Actually,as we all know,exercise can build up patients resistance and increase their immunity to reduce the infection.

For almost all of patients with CKD,a timely and effective treatments play a significant role in maintain their life and increase the quality of life. Although home remedy can control or relieve your renal disease condition,they can not treat your kidney damage.

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