
Chinese Medicines Treatment IgA Nephropathy Effectively

Chinese medicine treatment of iga nephropathy? iga nephropathy is in our common life, iga nephropathy when Western medicine used in the treatment, some related to hormone therapy, immunosuppressants, this writing method is urine protein can be cleared, but can not make damage kidney function improve, then we can use Chinese medicine treatment methods, let us introduce expert.

How to treat IgA Nephropathy?

In treating this disease, we have to first control the immune reaction. Most immune blocks can achieve this effect. I hope you can send me the medications you are taking now. However, there is no effective western medicine that can remove the immune complex. If the immune complex remain in the body, whenever we reduce the dose of immune block or stop it, the symptoms will relapse. Only if we remove the immune complex on the basement membrane and repair the damaged mesangial cells, the protein leakage can be stopped fundamentally.

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Chinese Medicine for IgA Nephropathy

In order to make full use of Chinese medicines, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been created. This treatment is different from the Traditional Chinese Medicine, for it is used externally. Two bags filled with Chinese medicines will be put under the kidney area, and IgA Nephropathy patients just need to lie on the bed. The osmosis devices will be used to help the active materials of Chinese medicines reach to the kidney area directly and efficiently. The Chinese medicines will help patients eliminate the IgA deposition accumulating on kidneys and repair the kidney damage and enhance kidney function through promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, expanding blood vessels, offering the necessary nutrition and promoting DNA replication of damaged kidney tissues. Before doing this, the advanced blood purification techniques like dialysis, plasma exchange, immune adsorption, blood perfusion and so on will be used to clean the blood to create a clean inner environment. If the kidney function can be enhanced, the condition will be controlled well, maybe Renal Failure can be avoided or dialysis may be stopped if the IgA Nephropathy has developed into Renal Failure. There has the possibility for Chinese Medicine to cure IgA Nephropathy, but it needs to cooperate with western medicine and the blood purification techniques. Leave us a message, if you have some questions.

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