
What Is The Latest Treatment For Kidney Cyst

What is The latest method for renal cysts? For many people this disease is not very understanding, leading to disease onset did not know what kind of treatment methods used today, we simply introduce the best method of treatment of renal cysts, hope the above content can help to you.

Cystic kidney treatments

Experts who are now the main method in the treatment of renal cysts conservative treatment and surgery. These two methods, but the two methods will be more or less disadvantages.

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Conservative treatment is to stabilize the situation cyst, the other indicators of the body can be lowered, completely ignoring the root of the disease. There is to make small cysts grow during the removal, but the consequences may cause long-term damage to kidney function, if more would be dangerous to delay treatment of renal failure.

Some doctors also think that as long as the excision, the condition can be controlled. Now use the most is the deep cyst decortication, this treatment is aimed primarily at adult renal cysts. But that is only a temporary phenomenon, because the surgery can not remove cyst epithelial cells, but as long as there is the presence of epithelial cells, the cyst will continue to grow, and this is just the length of time it will.

After a long study, it is now, for the treatment of renal cysts rarely. Therefore, according to the condition of renal cysts own characteristics, we have developed a treatment with a combination of Chinese and Western.

Penetration of micro-Chinese Medicine therapy, to target the growth trend to suppress cyst treatment. This treatment has two characteristics:

1. Reduce sources of cyst fluid, epithelial cells of the cyst inactivation, inhibiting the secretion of cyst fluid, so stop the growth of cysts.

2. To increase the excretion of cyst fluid, increasing the permeability of the cyst surface blood circulation, accelerate the excretion of cyst fluid, so that the cyst retraction.

At the same time, adding a decoction, to help patients recover their immune function, so as to achieve the effect of Internal and External.

The latest method of treatment of renal cysts? The content above is about the treatment of renal cysts introduction, I hope you have some help, experts say, in the choice of treatment to choose their own way, do not blindly to choose, so as not to aggravate your own condition.

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