
Is Carrot Juice Ok For Lupus Nephritis Patients

In most cases, carrot juice is one good drink choice for patients with Lupus Nephritis, because carrot is rich in minerals, nutrition, vitamins, and so on. Generally, patients can get the following health benefits from carrot juice.

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1. Reduce high blood pressure

As kidneys are unable to maintain fluid and sodium balance effectively, Lupus Nephritis patients may have high blood pressure easily. The potassium in carrot juice can help reduce high blood pressure through fighting against the effect of sodium on increasing blood pressure. However, just because carrot juice is rich in potassium, some lupus nephritis patients should control their intake if they are tested out high potassium level.

2. Regulate immune system

As the above mentioned, Lupus Nephritis is associated with immune disorder that makes patients at a high risk of infections. If uncontrolled effectively, infections may worsen patients’ medical condition easily. It is reported that both fresh carrot and carrot juice are rich in beta carotene, one powerful antioxidant, which can help boost patients’ immune ability. This is another reason that these patients are suggested to drink some carrot juice.

3. Ease patients’ joint pain

If kidneys are unable to work normally, many acid waste products such as urea and uric acid will build up in the blood. This is one reason that why Lupus Nephritis patients have joint pain. Carrot juice can help eliminate acid waste products, so as to ease joint pain.

If patients have high blood sugar or high potassium level, patients should control their intake of carrot and carrot juice. Determine how much carrot juice you can drink every time.

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