
Common Symptoms In Lupus Nephritis

What are the symptoms of lupus nephritis, lupus kidney disease is more common in the life of a disease, but most people do not understand the disease, the disease for the patient's injury is very large, serious when will harm harm to the patient's life, we must as soon as possible treatment, but the disease because patients do not understand, so we delayed treatment, let's look at what are the symptoms of lupus kidney disease.

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Lupus symptoms of kidney disease:

1, lupus kidney patients will have symptoms of edema, at the same time, the patient will be some other symptoms, about 90% of patients with joint swelling and pain, and often is the first symptom treatment, the easier involvement hand proximal interphalangeal between joints, knees, feet, condyle, wrist can be involved.

2, patients with lupus kidney disease the most obvious damage is skin lesions, because it mainly occurs in the patient's skin and mucous membranes, about 40% of patients with facial erythema typical butterfly called erythema. Acute stage of edema, color red, slightly telangiectasia and phosphorus flaky desquamation, severe blisters, ulcers, skin atrophy and pigmentation.

3, as the disease continues to attack, the disease will hurt the patient's kidneys, resulting in patients with isolated hematuria or proteinuria. With edema, backache or high blood pressure, nephritis-like performance namely; proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, nephrotic syndrome-like performance namely; hematuria, proteinuria associated with renal function decline sharply, the performance was rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis; chronic renal failure performance. Life can be expressed as one of the cases.

Above is that we are the symptoms of lupus kidney disease in detail, presumably patient after reading the above introduction, should be aware of the seriousness of fun times, and generally develop lupus erythematosus nephropathy, the will always harm to the patient of life, so the patient must as soon as possible treatment. If you still have questions, you can consult our online experts.

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