
What Is The Best Treatment For Lupus Nephritis

How to treat lupus kidney disease effectively? In fact, the onset of symptoms of kidney disease will be a lot of classification, lupus nephropathy is a kidney disease occurs. For the occurrence of such diseases, you do not worry, in fact, timely treatment can also help you keep a healthy recovery. Next, we come to understand the relationship between what the treatment of kidney disease have it.

Lupus nephritis induced environmental and infectious factors

1. UV: life you should pay attention to their habits, sometimes ultraviolet radiation occurs, there will be diseases. UV not only skin keratinocytes can induce the production of tumor necrosis factor, can also weaken the macrophage clearance of antigen and inhibition of T cell activation, approximately one-third of patients with lupus nephritis allergic to light or ultraviolet light after onset.

2. Drug or chemical substances: Now there are a lot of friends in life, as long as the disease is the occurrence of medication will do, but the risks of improper medication, but also of the disease. In addition to UV line, there are some medications can cause photosensitivity in patients with lupus nephritis, such as sulfa drugs, tetracycline; some drugs can induce production of autoantibodies such as procainamide, hydralazine; some fragrances, dyes, hair coloring water, fireworks smoked food, fungi can also be induced lupus nephritis.

3. infection: the disease is also one of the complications of the disease occurs because, in fact, a lot of diseases because of infection. Clinically, patients with lupus nephritis more by the induced infection, human immunodeficiency virus infection can occur in lupus nephritis; infection of herpes simplex virus can cause elevated serum Sm antigen; serum in patients with lupus nephritis common variety of the virus antibody titers increases, such as rubella, EB virus, influenza, measles.

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Methods of treatment

1, a reasonable diet

Chronic nephritis patients in the daily diet of traditional Chinese medicine to control salt intake. If the patient is not only accompanied by edema and hypertension, then the patient must be strictly controlled salt and water intake.

2, a good attitude

"Laugh ten years less," sometimes a good attitude more than anything else medicine. Chronic glomerulonephritis is a pathological process is relatively lengthy illness, therefore, patients should be aware of this, to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and the fight against disease.

3, effective treatment

Immunotherapy is divided into six steps, and they are immunologic diagnosis, immune elimination, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immunoregulation, immunoprotection.

In the step of immunologic diagnosis, its aim is to find out the damage degree of patient's kidney, the type of immunoreaction, etc.

In the step of immune elimination, it aims at clearing the toxins in patient's blood, and the morbid substance.

Immune blocking aims at blocking the source of immune reaction, and cut off the inflammatory from the root. In treating lupus nephritis, this therapy is to control Systemic lupus erythematosis, so it can stop the producing of immune complex throughly.

Immune tolerance is the step that makes patient can tolerate the immune reaction that is caused by immune complex for a long time, and stop its aggravation.

Immunoregulation is to treat patient's kidney disease by using traditional Chinese medicines, which can reach the effect of removing the immune complex and improving patient's kidney function.

Immunopretection is to repair patient's immune system, and improve patient's immunity, which can prevent the relapse of lupus nephritis.

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