
How Long Can You Live With Kidney Cyst

How long can you live with kidney cyst? Life is very fragile, our lives would be vulnerable in the face of illness. Therefore, many kidney patients will be very worried about their chance to leave their loved ones at any time. In fact, the length of a person's life will not necessarily subject to the mercy of the disease, length of life will be affected by many factors. Next, we have to look at it in detail.

Let's first take a look at four methods of treatment of polycystic kidney disease.

1, the general treatment: In the case of renal cysts, treatment is necessary to promptly and effectively, so as to control the disease. Under normal circumstances, patients with polycystic kidney disease after checking out, first of all to maintain an optimistic attitude, if not yet the impact on the patient's normal life, usually need to be careful not to eat less salty, spicy, spicy food, time to law, the mood to steady optimism; if the impact on the normal life of the patient, usually pay attention to more than a few, but also for the treatment, and the sooner the better, otherwise allowed to develop to renal failure uremia, too late.

2, cyst decortication: surgical treatment has been a lot of friends on the method used was also very effective. This procedure reduces the cysts of the renal parenchyma of oppression, the majority of the remaining nephrons protection against extrusion and further damage, renal ischemia situation has improved, and some renal units have been restored, delaying the progression of the disease. The key to successful operation is an operation as soon as possible, cyst decompression must be thoroughly, do not give small cysts and deep cyst decompression. Bilateral should surgery, general surgery bilateral interval of six months or more. Advanced cases such as existing renal impairment in azotemia, uremia, whether or not associated with high blood pressure, reduced pressure treatment has been meaningless, surgery to combat anti may be worse.

3, Chinese medicine treatment: Although Western medicine treatment today is dominant, but the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine will have a good effect. Currently Chinese medicine conservative treatment in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, the effect is very good. TCM holistic concept and TDS that polycystic kidney disease is the result of joint action of external and internal factors, the diversion by rung, and gradually let cyst liquid discharge, to make the cyst gradually narrow purposes. Although TCM genetic problems can not be overcome, but the effect of conservative treatment is Western medicine can not match, and substantially non-toxic side effects, less recurrence.

4, Dialysis and Transplantation: to end stage renal failure, dialysis treatment should be immediately in order to preferred hemodialysis. Polycystic kidney transplant survival rates and other reasons, the treatments were similar, but also associated with the disease, increasing the difficulty of postoperative treatment, affecting transplantation.


First, had the disease after the patient first is to learn to adjust their attitude, and establish the confidence to overcome the disease, because the risk factors of kidney capsule There are many scientific studies found that all of these factors can be altered or controlled to eliminate, therefore, we must always despair, and optimistic thinking can improve people's immunity, in order to overcome the disease, but also to actively cooperate with medical treatment.

Second, patients with kidney disease because the body is tired, so patients must pay attention to rest and avoid strenuous physical activity and abdominal trauma, kidney enlargement apparent to pay more attention, in order to avoid cyst rupture, avoid nephrotoxic drugs.

Third, in the event of renal cysts, patients should pay more attention to their daily diet and avoid eating some foods detrimental to the body, such as salty type, spicy class food contaminated barbecue is not to eat, renal function insufficiency or uremia who happen also to be noted that not eat beans and products, limiting animal protein foods, greasy food.

Renal cysts down in the end can be much longer? Life there is hope, as long as our hearts believe in yourself, the opportunity to have a miracle happen. In addition, it is recommended that patients can do some appropriate exercise, will help you to restore the body's health. In addition, there is a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet for the rehabilitation of patients will be a great help. Finally, I wish you good health.

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