
Will Control High Blood Pressure Ease Kidney Disease

Control high blood pressure will ease the situation nephropathy it? Nephropathy is a relatively specific diseases, is not only the cause of the disease there are many, is the case of the occurrence of diseases is very complex. Thus, during the time of treatment of kidney disease, it is necessary to select a scientific treatment. Next, we come to know about the best way to treat kidney disease now.

Commonly referred to as nephritis, actually divided into four categories, namely primary acute glomerulonephritis, idiopathic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, primary chronic glomerulonephritis and primary occult renal glomerulonephritis. The first category referred to as acute nephritis, the second category referred to as rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, the third category referred to as chronic nephritis, the fourth category referred to as occult nephritis. In addition to the occult nephritis, the early symptoms of nephritis remaining classes have a common characteristic, that is, facial swelling.

Edema is the first symptom most nephritis, the first since the start face, and then spread to the lower limbs, serious eyes open, eyes closed, fist, walking both eyelids, palms and foot swelling sense.

Another feature is the various types of nephritis oliguria. Acute nephritis oliguria and edema can occur simultaneously, and dark urine, daily urine output may be less than 400 milliliters, individual patients or no urine. While about one-third of patients will hematuria, visually dark brown color is found in the urine, usually for several days or even weeks. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis have oliguria feature, accompanied by nausea, fatigue and loss of appetite and other symptoms of early onset. Class middle-aged male nephritis multiple violations. Chronic nephritis urine specific gravity is low.
Acute nephritis patients before the disease often 1 to 3 weeks as signs of respiratory or skin infections, such as acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gum abscess, scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, and other skin abscess. Most acute nephritis, chronic nephritis no history or streptococcal infection, and therefore difficult to determine the cause. Occult nephritis also with chronic nephritis, as usually there is no acute and chronic nephritis, or history of kidney disease.

Treatment of kidney disease

First, lowering blood pressure

Pathogenesis of nephritis, there will be the phenomenon of high cholesterol. Recent studies have found that high blood lipids in patients with renal nephritis have some damage, so be on the basis of the above therapy using lipid-lowering drugs. At the same time pay attention to controlling the fat content of the diet, the blood lipids down, in order to avoid excessive renal impairment. However, in the treatment of nephritis patients should pay attention to a lot of cholesterol-lowering drugs also have side effects of liver damage.

Second, control of hypertension

Hypertension is one of the symptoms of nephritis, if we can control high blood pressure, treatment of nephritis is very critical, because the patient's blood pressure may continue to rise, not treated in time there will be some danger, should seek to blood pressure control in 140 range / 90 mm Hg within.

Third, the patient's psychological preparation

Nephritis is a disease more difficult to treat, the longer its duration, is a recurring problem. Therefore, in the treatment of nephritis, the patient must be prepared for a long struggle with the disease, with strong faith and determination to work closely with the treatment. Psychological preparation for the treatment of nephritis is very important foundations.

Control high blood pressure will ease the situation nephropathy? Happens nephropathy is a lot of friends will appear, but you do not panic and timely treatment can effectively alleviate the situation of the disease. However, in everyday life you can also timely preventive work, healthy life will effectively prevent the occurrence of kidney disease.

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