
How To Treat Urine Protein 3+, Occult Blood 2+ In Diabetic Nephropathy

Hypertensive nephropathy urine protein 3+, occult 2+ proteinuria how to eliminate it? Occur in patients with hypertension, proteinuria, occult, sky with unstable blood pressure, hypertension and kidney disease are particularly vulnerable to repeat, this is a lot of hypertensive renal disease very troublesome problem. Usually patients with hypertension in 5--10 years appears mild to moderate kidney arteriosclerosis, and then check for proteinuria, occult blood, and then the late renal atrophy and even renal insufficiency, the greater the age, the higher the prevalence. Pay attention to the disease, prompt treatment is the key factor in controlling hypertension, progressive deterioration of renal disease.

Her treatment of hypertensive nephropathy encountered any problems

Wang Liping (a pseudonym), Hefei man, aged 53, high blood pressure more than ten years, mixed with gout, 2009.12 due to the fatigue relapse, the doctor told him to take some hormones, but the condition has not only good but also worsened the sky, appeared edema . To the hospital for examination found 3+ proteinuria, occult 2+.

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After a long period without any major change in the treatment of the disease, for which they are distressed, the doctor told them not to worry treat hypertensive nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy is a very difficult to control the disease because hypertension hypertensive nephropathy by, when high blood pressure condition may deteriorate suddenly very serious. Some people say that it would eat some antihypertensive drugs control is not on line yet, in fact, is not so simple, many factors affected blood pressure, such as environment, diet, mood, etc., so treat hypertensive nephropathy not the only drugs on You can give the needs of patients and families of patients, doctors closely with the job. To further treatment condition by a friend came to Shijiazhuang kidney hospital.

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital uses immunotherapy for hypertensive nephropathy

Hypertensive nephropathy is due to ischemia and hypoxia lead to elevated blood pressure in a state of long-term and long-term high blood pressure can lead to kidney damage. Shijiazhuang kidney hospital after years of research summarizes the characteristics of a treatment of kidney disease therapy, immunotherapy + micro-based traditional Chinese medicine treatment, the use of Micro-Chinese Medicine hypertensive nephropathy kidney capillaries expansion, relieve kidney disease ischemia and hypoxia, in order to effectively control blood pressure stable. On the other hand immunotherapy immune complex renal clearance surface, inhibiting inflammatory reactions, thereby controlling the further deterioration of kidney disease. Finally, micro-based traditional Chinese medicine and immunotherapy joint action to repair damaged kidney cells and the basement membrane, and ultimately achieve the purpose of treatment.

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