
Is It Possible For Me With High Creatinine 800 To Avoid Dialysis

One problem in uremic patients are more concerned about is how down creatinine, creatinine level of performance in a certain extent, the severity of a patient's condition, then creatinine 800 dialysis patients can get rid of it?

Can I avoid dialysis with high creatinine level 800?

Creatinine 800 is uremia period, has been very severe kidney damage due to water, electrolytes, acid-base balance in the human body disturbed, so that endocrine disorders, resulting in human exhibits poisoning phenomenon. For patients with creatinine 800, basically in the stage of dialysis, dialysis to last only a kidney transplant.

So there is a saying: "If the cancer is death, so uremia is a reprieve," which illustrates the severity of the sentence that is uremia, but also to tell people is suspended for as long as it is a chance to see the news people know that a lot of prisoners executed by properly suspended last it is possible to transform prison. Uremia is the same, as long as the treatment of choice in line with their condition so the condition can be controlled in good condition without recurrence.

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Can high creatinine 800 be treated by dialysis or kidney transplant?

Many of the patients and their families affected by traditional factors are considered, creatinine 800 can only dialysis or a kidney transplant, in fact, they do not understand is that just finished kidney dialysis drainage detoxification function of the machine instead of by the kidneys, so that the water in the body , electrolyte balance temporarily, but this is only temporary, kidneys have been damaged, the body of water and metabolism are running all the time, people could not have been dialysis, frequently causes kidney dialysis has been in idle state, eventually completely scrapped.

So creatinine creatinine 800 not dialysis, a kidney transplant will die without it? In fact, most of uremic patients kidneys have been damaged, but still a small part of existence, as long as the full use of residual nephrons, the kidney is fully supporting the body's normal metabolism of life.

Immunotherapy drop creatinine

Experts say: immunotherapy for uremia is to start from the pathogenesis of kidney, kidney cells by vasodilator relieve ischemia and hypoxia, reduce adsorption of inflammatory factors, inflammatory factors continue to prevent violations of human kidney cells, thus fundamentally blocking the process of renal fibrosis, as well as the use of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to clear deposition in the kidney surface of immune complexes, repair damaged basement membrane, recovery of renal function, basement repair the kidney filtration function also repaired, urine protein and blood cells will no longer continue to be exposed, the body of excess water and toxic substances out of the body, swelling will disappear naturally, creatinine also will gradually come down.

Creatinine over 800'll get rid of dialysis it? Through immunotherapy treatment, creatinine will slowly come down, naturally dialysis frequency will drop and eventually get rid of dialysis can be achieved

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