
How Does Immunotherapy Treat Kidney Disease

Blocking immune restoration therapy sounds very strange, it is Shijiazhuang kidney hospital in 2012 introduced from abroad the latest effective therapy for the treatment of kidney disease, according to the pathogenesis of kidney disease, a step by step starting from the root cause, and ultimately achieve the purpose of treatment.

With the development of society, people's living standards continue to improve, kidney disease slowly approached the people's lives. Various types of kidney disease a serious threat to people's health and even contemporary life, but because of kidney disease intractable, difficult to cure sex, so that more and more patients are confused and fear losing their confidence in the treatment of the disease, for which Shijiazhuang kidney hospital doctors after years of research, combined with the introduction of foreign technology, we developed a set of characteristics of immune blocking rehabilitation therapy.

Experts explained that: treatment of kidney disease must let patients know that they are to get the types of kidney disease, how to treat, what to eat medicine, eat this to be able to achieve what kind of effect, so the patient can be assured of treatment, therefore, experts for your details explain the immune restoration therapy rehabilitation process blocking nephropathy.

One should first understand the causes of kidney disease are all what?

Each healthy person is by the immune system to defend our physical health, I believe many people have heard of immunity, immunity immune system size is normal or not to measure, if a person's immune system disorders, by outsiders intrusion, will produce immune complexes in the body, it is deposited into the various organs and can lead to different diseases, if deposited onto a part of the kidney, which will lead to the occurrence of nephropathy.

Second, understand the causes of kidney disease than we according to the root cause of kidney disease, immune therapy is divided into six steps to block repair treatment, play a comprehensive role in the treatment of kidney disease.

1-step: a comprehensive diagnostic phase, through the inspection, check out the exact immune complex deposition in patients with kidney disease to which part of the kidney, and the deposition of immune complexes is what kind of large, medium, small and other toxic substances.

Step 2: immune clearance phase, diagnosed kidney deposition of different hazardous substances, we need an effective method to clear out these immune complexes.

3-step: a new drug enters the stage of immunotherapy, immune blocking therapy to patients with kidney disease is a new drug latest technology, allowing kidney patients of abnormal symptoms quickly bear fruit.

Step 4: Enter the immune tolerance phase, damage the immune complexes caused by kidney patients, it is an objective fact, in this, immune tolerance has two meanings: the first is to make the patient's kidney to accept the fact that kidney damage, improve kidneys "resistance", more powerful live such damage tolerance. Second is to continuously remove these immune complexes damage the kidneys, kidney patients to prevent further damage.

Step 5: Go immunomodulatory stage, immune regulation is divided into two parts: one is through our hospital and Western medicine therapy - Micro-Chinese penetration therapy clearance of immune complexes, and partly by increasing the patient's resistance, so that the patient's own immune the system continues to block the immunoprecipitated, to clear immune complexes.

Step 6: immune protection stage, is immune complexes by the above sections has not continued to expand kidney damage, but the damage to the part of the kidney has been through a variety of effective treatment for the damaged kidneys recover.

Six-step treatment through immunization, kidney immune complexes are cleared, inflammation under control, the disease also stabilized, repaired the damaged kidney cells, the body naturally restore a normal state, and finally improve the body's immunity, the body enhanced ability to resist against inflammation, so the disease is not easy to attack again, nephrotic it has been effectively treated.

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