
How To Treat Swelling In Nephrotic Syndrome

The main pathological features of nephrotic syndrome are three high and one low, specifically urinary protein high, high degree of swelling, high blood cholesterol, hypoalbuminemia, edema nephrotic syndrome is a problem of great concern, a lot of lower extremity edema nephrotic syndrome not serious enough to walk, so how to eliminate edema nephrotic syndrome do?

Why does nephrotic syndrome cause edema?

Nephrotic syndrome edema is mainly due to human kidney was damaged, causing the body of ischemia and hypoxia, resulting in the capillaries of the kidney was damaged, and then adsorbed causative factor against inflammation, renal fibrosis and deposition of immune complexes, a lot of damage to kidney cells, kidney filtration function can not be completed normally, the body of excess water and metabolites can not be out of the body, the body severe edema.

Western medicine is how to treat nephrotic syndrome?

Western medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome usually is to hormone therapy, primarily to eliminate urinary protein nephrotic syndrome, the swelling and no specific treatment, hormone treatment of nephrotic syndrome can eliminate urine protein, but prone to hormone treatment of nephrotic syndrome moon face and buffalo hump, make swelling worse, hormone therapy for some time when the reduction of urinary protein is easy to relapse, swelling increased, often repeated kidney disease will become increasingly serious.

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How to eliminate edema nephrotic syndrome? - Immunotherapy eliminate edema nephrotic syndrome!

Immunotherapy treatment of kidney disease is the body's immunological point of view of kidney treatment, is 2012 launched a new effective therapy, first by Chinese medicine vasodilators, relieve renal ischemia and hypoxia, to avoid pathogenic inflammatory factors continue to increase proliferation, while eliminating inflammatory cytokines prevent kidney damage constantly, and then remove deposited on the surface of immune complex kidney, blocking renal fibrosis process, effective control of disease progression. Control the deterioration of the condition in the process after the start of immunization repair damaged kidney cells, repair the basement membrane, and finally enhance human immunity and prevent recurrent disease. Kidney repair damaged cells, the kidneys can complete the normal filtration function to exclude the body of excess water and metabolites, swelling will disappear naturally. Since the kidney cells to repair the damage, kidney enhance immunity, and in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome is also not prone to swelling of the phenomenon again.

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