
Back Pain Is Caused By Kidney Cyst

Many people in the early stage of renal cysts and did not realize that they had kidney disease, when you feel uncomfortable to the hospital when the cyst has been great, and this is a very important reason in recent years, the treatment of difficult renal cysts.

28-year-old girl has eight years of back pain

Guo Li, 28-year-old, just two years of marriage, she was diagnosed as renal cysts, cyst 5cm, she wondered how their own will get renal cysts and a big boy himself did not feel it? The cause of this disease have to start from eight years ago, eight years ago, Guo Li began to have back pain problems, due to the GUO family was poor, very early out of work, has been in a restaurant as a waiter, standing almost every day , back pain for them is perfectly normal, over a period of time can not stand the pain Guo Li went to the local clinic looked small, kidney doctor said, after more attention to rest, things had passed.

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Two years of marriage isolated renal cysts

In 2011, when Guo Li married for a year, this year she has been resting at home did not how to go to work, at home, she always felt dizziness, back up the pain, blurred glasses, and later appeared in the blood and urine phenomenon. To the hospital, the doctor said that the kidney cysts, which is really a bolt from the blue a message to them, they just got married children do not, home for the elderly has been hurried to have children, GUO want to wait for two years, for this reason have trouble with the family turn, and now have this disease themselves, Guo Li's heart suddenly cold.

GUO in detecting renal cysts had changed that day, the beginning of a person hiding in the house, occasionally go out to eat dinner and go all day without saying a word, she found her husband, but also the pain of the Ming Bai Guoli , thus actively looking GUO chat, he told her some things in the company's own, distract her, while enlighten GUO active treatment. GUO finally agreed hospitalization.

Immunotherapy eliminate renal cyst

Hospitalized after doctors gave GUO using the latest micro-based immunosuppressive therapy and combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys continue to suppress violations of inflammatory cytokines by immune therapy to prevent further deterioration of kidney disease, while micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to remove the kidney deposition of immune complexes objects, repair damaged basement membrane, to protect the kidneys of normal renal units, improve immune, and eventually restore the kidney filtration function enables kidneys normal operation. After a month of treatment, Guo Li's back pain has been significantly alleviated, hematuria disappeared, the indicators of renal function tests were normal, and then to the hospital, after discharge continue to use traditional Chinese medicine treatment.

Home treatment with traditional Chinese medicine for three months to review the indicators are back to normal, back pain Ye Hao Guo Li, Guo Li said, I really did not expect so many years of back pain turned out to be kidney cysts, back pain for so many years had never thought of also good, this time to really come to the hospital.

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