
What To Do For Relapse Of Nephritis In Children with Steroid Therapy

Children with recurrent nephritis eat hormone how to do? Nephritis is the kind of treatment is very troublesome disease, nephritis how the children got to do? Is commonly used in hormone therapy, then nephritis children eat hormone okay?
Hormones affect the child's development, while repeated episodes of more aggravated damage the kidneys, nephritis in children with recurrent how to do it?
Children three years of recurrent kidney disease

Children nephritis not puncture can be treated? What drugs effective? The child's situation is such that for two years already suffering from nephritis, used during hormone, also used traditional Chinese medicine, initially negative quickly, but recurrence is also fast, is now the third year, but always continue to relapse, doctors say Hormones can eat, but I do not want to let the children go on like this delay, to the children's hospital, the doctor suggested a renal biopsy, now eight years old children, we consider there is a certain risk of renal wear, I now want to consult how to treat children more effectively, can not puncture, eat what drug effect good?

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Kidney expert explained: children first oral steroids and other drugs, the effect is obvious, negative quickly, but easy to relapse, while longer after recurrence of hormone-sensitive, so a lot of parents think that the doctor technical level is good, regardless of hospital medication use, So give the children change different hospitals, for different doctors, for different treatments, and even many children began oral medicine.

In fact, in the treatment of kidney disease in children, do we understand the feelings of the parents, but we work together to achieve a misunderstanding ...... cure disease does not cure! Child illness in the long-term repeated many times, and more complex, more serious kidney damage, increased the difficulty of treatment, while the adverse effects on children's health.

Such as kidney and recurrent treatment?

Children nephritis occult blood protein production, is due to a variety of pathological damage caused by the structure and function of damaged cells in renal glomerular basement membrane permeability, resulting in protein macromolecules with red blood cells may leak, clinical proteinuria , hematuria symptoms.

The use of conventional therapy, hormones and other drugs cyclophosphamide, mainly to suppress the immune response, to avoid inflammatory reactions, but its suppression of the immune response, but also inhibit the normal function of other cells of the body, but it will likely cause infection and hormones and other drugs also have side effects themselves. Therefore, while a variety of side effects likely to relapse after treatment.

2012 Immune Therapy for Kidney effects

Children nephritis by immune therapy can effectively remove the patient's immune complexes, relieve renal ischemia and hypoxia conditions, while repairing damaged kidney inherent cells to restore kidney function, were treated radically. The key is not so much of the side effects of hormone immunotherapy, has little impact on children's development, not systemic edema and other side effects of hormones. By the method of immunotherapy, effectively enhance the patient's immune system, to rebuild their immune system, to avoid further damage to the kidneys, and only through such standard treatment, kidney injury patients to be able to effectively avoid, at the same time can effectively avoid relapse.

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