
Can Blood In Urine Be Treated In Kidney Cyst

Can Hematuria in renal cysts be treated? Early renal cysts often appear the phenomenon of back pain, increased oppression of kidney cysts or cyst rupture when it is prone to gross hematuria, renal cysts with gross hematuria can be cured?

2.5cm small renal cysts

I come from Shandong Wang Tingting (a pseudonym), 38 years old, around August 2007, suddenly feel particularly sore waist, and a slight swelling of the lower extremities, was due in the office work, long-term sitting back pain is normal, So no matter how attention, and later more serious swelling has spread to the whole body, occasionally hematuria, they would understand the seriousness of this matter.

So to the local hospital for examination, examination results for urinary protein 2+, 3+ occult blood, kidney cyst 2.5cm. But the doctor said the cyst is small does not require treatment, so give me some swelling drugs, then tell me not to be too tired to go home after more attention to rest on the line. So I rest assured that back home and continue the original work.

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A year of renal cysts grow to 4cm

In June 2008, more and more serious hematuria, edema has been from time to time, a last resort only go to the hospital for examination, urine protein test results are 2+, 3+ occult blood, kidney cysts 4cm, the doctor suggested surgery to remove the cyst, I refused, since the last check I read a lot of information on the Internet renal cysts, renal cyst excision also found that after the president came out, I simply was not a good cut. Thus began the search for treatment of renal cysts online journey.

Browse forum a time to see Shijiazhuang kidney hospital in Micro-Chinese Medicine treatment of renal cyst works well, so the Internet search a lot about Shijiazhuang kidney hospital treatment of renal cyst cases found in the micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy treatment of many renal cysts patients back to health, then decided to look at their condition online consultation, through communication with the experts, I have confidence in the treatment of renal cysts growing, so the next day they came to Shijiazhuang kidney hospital.

Immunotherapy eliminate renal cyst

Came to the hospital, the doctor gave me a thorough check kidney aspects, finally finishing a set of characteristics of specialized treatment programs, the use of immunotherapy combined with traditional Chinese medicine, the doctor explained, renal cysts occur due to a reduced ability of the body's immune causing blood appeared excessive pathogenic inflammatory factors can not be eliminated, it will damage the pathogenic inflammatory cytokines normal kidney cells, causing inflammation factor accumulation lead to kidney cyst. The first purpose of immunotherapy is to eliminate kidney inflammatory cytokines and prevent further deterioration of the condition, combined with traditional Chinese medicine, to repair damaged kidney cells, and ultimately achieve the purpose of treatment.

After a month of therapy, my body feels no uncomfortable place, check the urine of urinary protein was negative, occult blood disappear, back pain is also a lot of problems, and go home to continue to use the drug for three months, I feel has been Yes, there is no back pain and hematuria any more.

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