
Immunotherapy And High Creatinine Level 700

Creatinine is very concerned question by many uremic patients. As for uremic patients, the level of creatinine in a large extent reflects a bad condition. So creatinine over 700 patients with uremia how to do it?

Mother suffering from uremia dialysis or a kidney transplant?

Li Zhipeng (a pseudonym), a 52-year-old mother, Shandong Jinan, a year ago Li Zhipeng mother appeared systemic edema, accompanied by hematuria phenomenon, treatment at a local hospital. Medical examination results for uremia creatinine 768, 3+ urine protein, occult blood 2+. The doctor told Li Zhipeng uremia is ESRD, dialysis or a kidney transplant to rely to sustain life.

Li Zhipeng was ignorant of uremia mother heard only by dialysis and a kidney transplant to sustain life, and sometimes do not know how to do, his mother just 52 years old, yet enjoy their grandchildren ......, Li Zhipeng kept thinking Tears fell down. But the thought of limited conditions at home, there is no way to pay for expensive kidney transplant costs, even if dialysis is maintained not take long, so Li Zhipeng think of the Internet to find treatment methods uremia. Accidentally saw the micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy in Shijiazhuang kidney hospital presentation is very effective in the treatment of uremia, and Integrative Medicine is Methods fundamentally damaged kidney treatment, the disease is not easy to relapse, and decided to Try Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.

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Shijiazhuang kidney hospital came by checking serum creatinine is 800umol / L, urine protein 3+, 2+ occult blood, urine output 1400ml, doctors Li Zhipeng mother tailor the treatment plan, using kidney disease immunotherapy. After a period of treatment, serum creatinine fell more than 200 urine protein was negative, edema disappeared, urinary proteinuria rose by more than 100, body and spirit getting better and better, with Li Zhipeng Li Zhipeng mother happy to say thanks to you find a kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang, my illness have hope.

Immunotherapy treatment of uremia

Experts, immunotherapy treatment of kidney disease through immunization diagnosis, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune therapy, immune restoration, protective immunity six stages of kidney disease diagnosis and effective treatment. For kidney lesion site start uremic patients has been greatly damage the kidneys, mainly occurred in different parts of the kidney immune and inflammatory response, deposition in the kidney excessive immune complexes can not be ruled out in vitro, resulting in kidney capillary vascular congestion, high blood pressure, elevated creatinine. Immunotherapy first remove immune complexes in the kidney, eliminate inflammatory cytokines, while repairing damaged kidney cells, kidney tissue reconstruction, improve their immunity. To solve the root cause of kidney, creatinine naturally fall down, improve immunity the disease is no longer always appear repeatedly.

Three months later Li Zhipeng accompany her mother to review when the doctor said Li Zhipeng with, just when the doctor said the treatment can not cure the disease, then really feel the mother's days are numbered, did not expect to treat more than a month and the mother may also like normal life. Li Zhipeng also pleased with patients that uremia is not terrible creatinine over 700 key to choose the treatment method, pay attention to the daily life diet, maintain a positive attitude, uremia also can live like normal people.

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