
Is Edema A Symptom Of Uremia

Is edema a symptom of uremia? Uremia occurred is a serious kidney disease cases, under normal circumstances there is no final result is kidney disease caused by timely treatment. Obvious characteristic edema is nephropathy, therefore, the occurrence of uremia also because of the emergence of edema was discovered. So, we come to know about the symptoms of the disease now.

So what is it uremia uremia early symptoms of what is:

1, uremia are those with renal dysfunction and a variety of kidney disease decline phenomenon, the disease will directly lead to loss of kidney function and all functions will be a series of symptoms, referred to as renal failure, renal failure late if people who are He said to uremia.

2. Anemia: Due to the damage suffered kidney function, the body can not produce enough red blood cells needed for the manufacture of hormones, resulting in anemia. Anemia often feel cold and tired.

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3, physical discomfort: Because toxins and waste continues to accumulate in the body, the patient may feel malaise. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sleep well at night, loss of appetite, itching and fatigue.

4, edema: edema occurs in some patients. Decreased urine output, frequent urination (especially at night). Hand ankle edema. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, swelling around the eyes.

5. Other symptoms: hematuria (blood was brown or red), high blood pressure, urine bubble appears, diarrhea, extreme thirst, disturbed sleep, or drowsiness, decreased libido.

If uremia after the late, people can live how long it:

1, if uremia early symptoms hidden, not easy to be found, then after entering uremia late stage, the symptoms can be described as persistent internal organs, an extremely serious and obvious. At this time the patient will be systemic involvement, heart failure, psychosis, coma and other serious cases, life-threatening.

2, if the patient over a long period of dialysis, or some other factors led to the loss of kidney function. So long our medical technology can cure almost zero hope, we can only go by dialysis to sustain life.

3, then, uremia late can be much longer the most important thing depends on the extent of the disease, to see if there is urine, severity of complications, renal fibrosis, and many other reasons are completely. If there is a certain amount of urine, a general description of the function of the kidney there is a certain, if protect the residual renal function, appropriate treatment and then restore some of nephron function, it is possible to completely get rid of dialysis, sick long healthy life.

Edema will be uremia happen? People's lives are always threatened by disease, kidney disease also occurs in our lives often occur a situation. Faced with such a disease we do not confused, in fact, timely treatment also can ease the disease. Finally, I wish you a speedy recovery of the body's health.

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