
Is It Possible To Recover Nephrotic Syndrome

Is it possible to recover nephrotic syndrome ? Check diseases in life is a lot of friends do not care, but also one of the easiest things to forget, therefore, it will easily lead to the occurrence of many diseases. Especially the occurrence of nephrotic syndrome. So, if life really happened this disease, treatment will be possible to restore health?

Nephrotic syndrome patients should do the inspection

1. Urine: Urine routine examination revealed a large number of proteins in the urine of patients outside in addition, may have a transparent tube or granular casts, and sometimes may also have fat tube.

2. Selective proteinuria and urine C3, FDP determination: Ⅰ type of selective proteinuria, urine C3 and FDP normal value, type Ⅱ non-selective proteinuria, urine C3 and FDP value often than normal.

3. Blood biochemical tests: In addition to lower plasma total protein, the albumin / globulin can be inverted, elevated blood cholesterol Ⅰ type, Ⅱ type may increase.

4. ESR growth: often 40 ~ 80mm / h, ESR growth more parallel and edema.
5. Protein Electrophoresis: α2 or β can be significantly increased, lower α1, γ-globulin majority.

6. renal function tests: Ⅰ type normal, Ⅱ type has different degrees of abnormality.

7. Renal biopsy: by ultrastructural and immunopathology observed to provide morphological basis.

Expert analysis nephrotic syndrome treatment, nephrotic syndrome can be cured?

1, patients should pay attention to proper medication. Nephrotic syndrome of diverse causes, in addition to their own factors, but also with glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive agents are concerned. Medication principle amount of patients is early enough, reduce the dosage slowly, maintaining long. In the course of the medication must be in strict compliance with the right amount, the whole principle, otherwise easily lead to persistent or recurrent disease course.

2, nephrotic syndrome patients in the treatment time, to maintain a good positive and optimistic attitude, good eating habits of life. Mental status and dietary habits, for nephrotic syndrome is very important, which can help to restore the disease. Maintain a good mental state, do not give themselves a bad psychological implications, not angry, not angry, relieved to learn to deal with everything.

3, nephrotic syndrome, the most important predisposing factor is cold. Usually blood proteins in patients with nephrotic syndrome, a huge loss in the urine, loss of material, including the constitution of an important component of our immune defense, such as immune globulin, complement and so on. Thus, patients with nephrotic syndrome must actively prevent colds, infections.

4, choose a regular hospital, receiving treatment for scientific: Most hospitals are now using hormone therapy, although the patient's condition can be seen in the short term, the symptoms and the indicators has improved, but a temporary solution, easily repeated recurrence and thus will increase the dose and concentration of drugs, we all know that drugs have side effects, it is known side effects of hormones is: moon face, buffalo hump, low resistance and so on. Chinese medicine has been all good, or give you a surprise.

Rehabilitation of nephrotic syndrome also possible? Incidence of the disease will not recover without treatment, therefore, whether happen to disease, timely treatment to alleviate the condition. In addition, timely life care in life will effectively alleviate the condition. Finally, you have questions, you can also consult our online experts.

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