
Is There Any Better Therapy For Uremia Other Than Dialysis

Is there any better therapy for uremia other than dialysis? Uremic kidney damage reached a very serious time, treatment options usually is this time of dialysis treatment, but many patients have this experience, the process of dialysis dizziness, nausea, short, very uncomfortable, and some patients After the end of dialysis I feel very comfortable, but the effect brought dialysis is temporary, over time, creatinine, or will recover, the disease will become increasingly serious, some people do not even dialysis would not go up, which allows a lot of people starting dialysis had a rejection, you want to seek better treatment options, then dialyzed uremic not have any good way to treat it?

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Uremia dialysis treatment is the treatment we are more familiar. Long-term dialysis, there will be a series of complications, with frequent dialysis, renal function will gradually complete loss, the most fundamental point is that dialysis palliatives, only for the treatment of the symptoms of kidney patients on the kidney itself and no treatment Features. With the further deterioration of renal function, dialysis frequency will be higher and higher, until the complete loss of renal function, the patient's life will come to an end. Hospital experts recommend that you: have their own set of theoretical system in the treatment of uremia, TCM emphasizes dialectical therapy, in the treatment of uremia, taking all aspects of treatment, care of the heart, liver and so on.

Dialyzed uremic not have any good method of treatment? Experts suggest that in patients with uremia can be used in the treatment of integrative medicine, in the treatment of kidney repair damaged cells. Here we have to introduce micro-based traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods uremia.

Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration blocking renal fibrosis therapy, mainly to play a "vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation," the four action, blocking renal fibrosis continues to progress, to protect the kidneys no longer continue to damage; in addition, micro traditional Chinese medicine can also play a protective residual renal intrinsic cells, repair damaged kidney function effects, so you can restore the maximum degree of renal normal physiological functions, mainly blocking and fix in place, I believe that the number interval of dialysis uremic patients will gradually be extended, even get rid of dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Dialyzed uremic not have any good method of treatment? Experts suggest that dialysis patients with uremia not to say bad, uremia severe edema, when the crisis of life is to take dialysis, uremia early in the disease is not very serious when you can use dialysis treatment plus micro-based medicine, so slowly repair kidney cells, and ultimately get rid of dialysis, which is the purpose of treatment.

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