
Will Environment Lead To Lupus Nephritis

Will Changes in the environment cause lupus nephritis? Lupus kidney disease that you have in life is not to find out about it? For the occurrence of such diseases, in fact, have a lot of friends is not clear, it will only consider a simple nephropathy . So, what will it lead to such factors nephropathy happen? We take a detailed look at it.

1. changes in humoral immunity: where DNA and anti-DNA antibody immune complex formation plays a major role, (1) viral triggering factors: many studies have confirmed that the disease and an RNA virus-related virus --C, C-type virus On the one hand may damage tissue, so that the release of DNA with antigen; the other hand, may be due to this virus has the reverse transcriptase, the virus RNA replication itself into DNA, leaving the body to produce anti-DNA antibodies, both anti-virus copy DNA produced, and anti-human DNA, (2) and bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide triggering factors: the lipopolysaccharide component of bacteria was injected into mice, the mice were observed to induce the release of tissue DNA to blood circulation, and having a mitogen role in promoting the activation of B lymphocytes produce antibodies, so that such substances can promote DNA antigen-antibody complexes produced effect, (3) the release of autologous tissue damage DNA: the patients there vivo antibody cytotoxic lymphocytes, medium molecular weight DNA of soluble immune complexes via the blood circulation to the kidneys (or other organs) and deposition in glomeruli.

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2. cellular immunity: inhibition of T-cell function and decrease the number, the reason is the presence of serum antibodies with cytotoxic (anti-thymocyte antibodies or lymphocytes), thus undermining the T cells, suppressor T cells decline, on the one hand Direct reduced inhibition of antibody formation, on the other hand may decrease due to the release of lymphokines ability to inactivate the helper T cells, and helper T cells promote increased ability of antibodies produced, so that the total humoral immunity (antibody production) exuberant.

3. Impact of genetic factors: the patients who have the same disease family history accounted for 0.4% ~ 3.4, systemic lupus erythematosus close relative incidence rate of 5% to 12%; monozygotic twins is as high as 23% to 69% isopropyl the incidence rate of identical twins from 2% to 9%.

4. Environmental factors: environmental factors are causing lupus nephritis very important causes, including ultraviolet radiation, certain medications, allergies, infections, psychosocial stress.

5, the hormone causes: mainly in women of childbearing age who, because they secrete estrogen, prolactin and other direct factors of lupus nephritis, lupus nephritis so women of childbearing age are high risk.

Changes in the environment can cause lupus kidney disease happen? Kidney disease is not incurable disease occurs, but also to figure out the type of kidney disease during their treatment, so as to timely treatment of kidney disease. For the occurrence of lupus kidney disease is the best immediate treatment, if you have further questions, you can consult our experts online.

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