
Three Major Symptoms Of Uremia

Uremia is our more common kidney disease, it is also integrated a variety of end-stage renal disease, and not only seriously harm the health of patients, patients and their families to bring back the pain and distress. If it is found necessary and timely treatment of the disease, but only better understand the symptoms of uremia can only be symptomatic on governance.

Although there are many symptoms of uremia, but to a serious condition, it will show the following three symptoms: 1, metabolic acidosis: chronic renal failure uremia human metabolism of acidic products such as phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid and other substances due to renal excretion barriers retention, the symptoms of uremia may occur "uremic acidosis." When mild chronic acidosis, fewer symptoms in most patients, but as arterial HCO3 <15mmol / L, can be significant loss of appetite, vomiting, weakness, breathing deep and so on. 2, potassium metabolism disorders: when GFR falls 20-25ml / min or less, decreased renal excretion of potassium ability, then prone to hyperkalemia; especially when potassium intake, acidosis, infection, trauma When gastrointestinal bleeding occurs, more hyperkalemia. Severe hyperkalemia (serum potassium> 6.5mmol / L) has some risk, the need for timely rescue treatment (see hyperkalemia treatment). Sometimes, because of inadequate potassium intake, excessive loss of the gastrointestinal tract, the application of potassium-sparing diuretics and other factors, it may occur hypokalemia. Clinical more common is hyperkalemia, uremic patients and therefore should strictly limit the intake of foods high in potassium, and potassium should be regularly reviewed.

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In addition to the above two major symptoms, patients will appear uremia water and sodium metabolism: namely sodium retention, or low blood volume and hyponatremia. Renal insufficiency, renal sodium load too much or too much capacity, ability to adapt to gradually decline. Uremic patients, such as unduly limiting moisture that can lead to over-capacity load, common symptoms of uremia different levels of subcutaneous edema (eyelid, lower limbs) or / and body cavity effusions (chest, abdomen), then prone to blood pressure increased left ventricular dysfunction (manifested as chest tightness, decreased activity tolerance even at night can not be supine), and cerebral edema. On the other hand, when many patients urine, but excessive moisture limit, or complicated by vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms, the symptoms of uremia and easily lead to dehydration.

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