
Top Three Methods To Prevent Uremia

Uremia harm is very large, a variety of kidney disease late development to the final product. Early symptoms are mild, it can not easily be found when react until uremia should be developed to advanced, which increases the difficulty of treatment, the patient also brought greater harm. Therefore, we should do preventive work ahead of uremia. So, uremia how to prevent it?

First, after suffering from uremia, primary disease should be actively treated. In general, hypertensive patients to blood pressure control in 120 / 80mmHg ideal blood pressure, help protect the heart, brain and kidneys. Diabetes patients to control blood sugar, fasting blood glucose should be controlled at 6.1mmol / l, postprandial blood glucose should be controlled at 9.0mmol / l, prevent complications, prevent renal failure.

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Second, for the prevention of uremia, it should lead to a variety of primary disease prevention and chronic renal failure. As weekdays to prevent colds and various infections, take part in sports, enhance physical fitness, prevent the occurrence of acute and chronic nephritis; pay attention to health, Eat spicy greasy food, drinking water, prevent urinary tract infections; eat more vegetarian diet, low salt , low fat, less smoking, less drinking, prevention of hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Third, if the patient's progression to renal failure, suggested Chinese and Western medicine treatment. Chinese Herbs and enema allows removal of toxins from the stool, relieve symptoms and reduce serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, reduce patient suffering, improve the quality of life of patients, reduce medical costs, delay time entered uremia.

Prevention has been described in detail above uremia three measures, I believe we have a more understanding. Uremia prevention should start in life bit by bit, if suffering from uremia, do not panic, it is timely to go to a regular hospital for proper treatment measures to prevent aggravation of the disease.

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