
What Are the Symptoms and Treatment of Kidney Disease

What are the symptoms of kidney disease and treatment? Body over time, is not the same as living habits and continuous change, when the physical conditions in line with the conditions of the disease occurs, it will touch diseases. Among them, the occurrence of kidney disease and the patient's life will be very direct link. Well, after what happened kidney disease to be treated?

Symptoms of kidney disease

Edema and oliguria: nephritis with edema as the first symptoms by about 70 percent, mostly in swollen face, eyelids. Many patients with kidney disease often occurs eyelid edema symptoms get up in the morning. Kidney patients eyelids, facial swelling when, many accompanied by pale face, showing nephritis face. Edema can also be spread to the lower limbs, serious when the chest, ascites and pericardial effusion.

Nephropathy in kidney patients before they occur 1-3 weeks more than a history of respiratory or skin infections, such as acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gum abscess, scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, impetigo and other skin, some kidney patients may be no early symptoms of kidney disease.

Early symptoms of kidney disease in patients with chronic kidney disease lack of specificity, the patient usually appears fatigue, weakness, back pain, eyelids, face, ankle edema, increased urine bubble, abnormal urine color, hematuria, nighttime urination and increased urine output and so on.

Treatment of kidney disease

A: good or bad treatment of kidney disease, the most important factor is the disease itself. Acute nephritis and heal naturally, the doctor hit the patient is secretly delighted. Ferocious as rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis who is who on who provoke headaches. IgA nephropathy and nephrotic syndrome itself is divided rank or grade, the degree of risk, the treatment of difficulty varies.

II: patients overall condition of the body. That is in addition to kidney disease, other organ of the state, such as nephrotic syndrome patients with liver problems, poor use of cytotoxic drugs to deal with them is more difficult. Overall decline in physical function of older persons, the side effects of various drugs are often significantly higher than the young, often become a stumbling block to achieve efficacy.

Three: the treatment of kidney disease is scientific and reasonable. Means there is no scientific evidence of evidence-based medicine, refers to whether a reasonable person in line with the specific situation. A macro, a microscopic. A commonality, a personality. Combine the two, are indispensable in order to offset or cancel out most harm to our disease. This factor is a variable, is scientific and rational entirely in the hands of a doctor, so the doctor's level of responsibility is one of the most critical, is the reason patients often feel involuntarily.

What are the symptoms and treatment of kidney disease? For the treatment of kidney disease in life it is actually very scarce, because the lives of people not always relieve the disease, therefore, will be very easy to enter the minefield disease. I hope you understand the symptoms of kidney disease after timely prevention of diseases, kidney disease avoid impact lives. Finally, I wish you good health.

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