
Will Avoid Fatigue Prevent Kidney Disease

Will Avoid fatigue prevent kidney disease? Pressures of life can lead to a lot of friends to ignore their health, can easily lead to the occurrence of the disease. Nephrotic and people's lives is a direct link, you want to timely prevent such diseases, the best is in the life of effective prevention. Next, we come to know about it.

Prevention of kidney disease

Avoid excessive exertion transition fatigue is an important cause of nephropathy induced relapse. Therefore, to prevent the recurrence of kidney disease should be spared exertion. Mention tired people first thought is caused by physical, mental and often overlooked, mental transition will lead to decreased immunity, indicate kidney disease caused by brain transition from clinical cases and physical labor caused by no less than , and even more than physical labor caused by kidney disease. In short about kidney disease, whether it is physical or mental, must do nephrotic syndrome preventive measures to prevent the recurrence of kidney disease should pay attention to rest, avoid fatigue transition.

Appropriate exercise to enhance immunity in patients with nephrotic syndrome sick part confined to bed rest after the whole day in bed, with the winter cold, but too lazy to get out of bed movement. It should not be prolonged in patients with chronic kidney disease and bed rest, the patient can usually go out for a walk, do some housework whatever, can progress through sports body immunity and prevent colds; can improve the body's blood circulation, it is conducive to the rehabilitation kidney disease .

What can eat, kidney woman what to eat best?

Kidney need to focus not only are men, for women's kidney is also very important. Women in kidney function after 25 years in decline. Kidney function is good or bad performance on the hair. Hair flexible and shiny, indicating kidney health. Kidney people often brittle hair, not shiny, easy to hair loss.
1. animal liver: Chinese medicine has the "dirty raise dirty" saying, animal liver rich in protein, fat and vitamins, with Bushenyijing effect.

2. Ginkgo: Ginkgo biloba also called for emission advised steamed, fried or baked cooked food. Ming Li said: "cooked food warm the lung Qi, will be Chuansouyin, reduce it, stop its whitish thin air Wei Hou, astringent and income.." Ginkgo "qi nourishing the heart, kidney yin." Folk often ginkgo as a treatment for nocturnal emission of food. Such as "Shandong Traditional Chinese Medicine" contains: Ginkgo "rule nocturnal emission, enuresis." "Hunan Drug Chi" in the introduction: "rule wet dream: ginkgo three tablets, cooking wine, and even food for four or five days."

3, wolfberry: Wolfberry nature, sweet, with a kidney Liver, benefits smart head, strong bones, in addition to back pain, Jiufu to longevity and other functions.

The black beans: black beans are kidney Valley as the ancients, sweet nature, not only shaped like a kidney, there Bushenqiangshen, Blood and water, detoxification, soothing effect, especially for kidney patients.

5. Loach: Loach with high quality protein, calcium, vitamin B1, niacin, fat, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A and so on. Its sweet, flat, with deficiency, Yang Shen spermatogenic effect. On the regulatory function has a good effect. Loach contains a special protein, can promote sperm formation role. Adult men can kidney nourishing for Health loach eat.

Avoid fatigue can prevent kidney disease happen? Like treatment as prevention, we must consider many factors, starting from the basic necessities of our plan. After all, the incidence of kidney disease because of unhealthy living habits. I hope the above precautions can help you timely remission of disease. Finally, you also can ask questions to our experts.

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