
How To Help Kidney Failure Patients Lower Creatinine Level Too High

Renal Failure patients usually have high creatinine level. Under the normal cases, creatinine level should be in a normal range( adult males: 0.6-1.2mg/dl; adult females: 0.5-1.1mg/dl), that is because creatinine can be removed by our kidneys. However high creatinine level means that the kidney function has already been damaged. Then how to lower creatinine level too high in kidney failure patients?

1. A reasonable diet

A reasonable diet can maintain the creatinine level to some extent, however, it can only play a helping role. Anyway, a reasonable diet is good to you and you should know something about it.

Eat more of these foods: garlic, raw onions, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, cucumber, oat bran, fruit, soy milk and etc.

Eat less of these foods: red meats, caffein, white bread, white flour, sweets, butter, etc.

2. Dialysis

Dialysis, also called “artificial kidney”, is a method replacing kidneys to filter blood wastes and excess fluid. However, it is not a treatment for kidney disease, because during dialysis kidneys are totally abandoned.

3. Chinese medicine treatment

Since the root cause of creatinine level too high is kidney damage, we choose Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to improve kidney function. We have a holistic treatment based on these natural Chinese herbs. Commonly used therapies are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

It is an external application used on bilateral kidney areas (Shenshu acupoints). Chinese herbs are superfine comminution, which can improve the absorption of effective ingredients. In addition, with penetrant liquid and osmosis device, the active properties of traditional Chinese herbs can permeate into kidney lesions directly. They can increase blood circulation so that kidneys can get enough blood volume and oxygen to function well. As long as kidneys can work normally, creatinine 520 can be surely lowered down.

Except for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, other treatments like Medicated Bath, Chinese herbalFoot Bath, Acupuncture and Enema may be also used. After taking complete test and nephrologist discussion, treatment plan is made. Types of dosages of Chinese herbs are chosen, according to patient’s own illness condition.

We have almost 30 years and have received patients from 68 countries. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact with us.

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