
A Kidney Failure Patient From Saudi Arabia

A Kidney Failure Patient From Saudi Arabia

My name is ASIRI, a kidney failure patient, comes from Saudi Arabia. I am just 28 years old, but I have fought with the Kidney Failure for 8 years. At my age, I should go to the college, go to work, fall into love with the girl I like and make a warm family that belong to me. But due to the kidney failure, I can’t do that. Everyday, I only can heard of the high creatinine level, high uric acid, low GFR and I can’t eat the foot I like, even I can’t drink enough water. I fell so hopeless and I want to give up. But there is a voice in my deep heart “I can get better and enjoy my beautiful life.”

I hear Chinese medicine is effective in treating kidney disease so I decide to come to China for a treatment.

On November 2, 2015, I came to China and arrived at Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. In fact, this hospital is not big, but there is a difference—there is smile in everyone’s face which make me fell warm. They did the physical examination for me, the result is appalling. Both of my two kidneys begin to shrink, at the same time I am suffering from the gout, high blood pressure and metabolic. My creatinine level is 446umol/l, urea nitrogen level is 25.4mmol/l, uric acid level is 695umol/l. I am so worried bout my conditions.

Second day is an important date to me, at which I will get my special treatment plan. After two hours discussing, the experienced kidney disease doctors arranged the “four plus seven” treatment and Chinese Medicine Clyster Therapy for me. You may don’t understand what is the “four plus seven” treatment. The doctor told me this therapy includes a series of small Chinese medical therapies. The “four” refers to a bottle of Maikang Composition, an oral Chinese Medicine, a dose of external application and a basin of foot bath with Chinese medicine. “seven” means seven external applications, including Steaming Therapy, Circle Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Enema Therapy, Frangrance Therapy. These treatments can help expend blood vessels, promote the blood circulation, and enhance the immune system, thus improve the kidney function. The principle of Chinese Medicine Clyster Therapy is sending Chinese medicine to my intestines. This therapy can help me get through water channel and discharge some of waste out of body.

The therapeutic effects

My creatinine level is reduced to 300umol/L from 446umol/L. Blood pressure is managed to 110/80 from 150/100. Urea nitrogen is reduced to 25.4 to 13.4. And uric acid is reduced to 204 from 695. I am really shocked by this result. I hope more and more kidney disease can get recovery as soon as possible.

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