
Medicated Bath Can Help Stage 3 Kidney Failure Patients Lower High Creatinine Level

Medicated Bath Can Help Stage 3 Kidney Failure Patients Lower High Creatinine Level

Medicated bath, generated from Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), has a long history in china. The main composition is some traditional Chinese medical herbs, which grow in natural for a long time. So it always used to deal with various kinds of diseases. This therapy belong to an external application, which is easily for patients to apply. Compared with other western treatments, this therapy has little side effects to the kidney disease patients.

According to patients conditions, our experienced doctor arrange some suitable Chinese medical herbs. Then boil them into medial soup, after we mix a certain of hot water with the soup. It is time for stage 3 CKD patients to enjoy the hot medicated bath. Though about one hour soaking, the patients will sweat a lot, so as a result, some of the creatinine will be discharged out of the body. At the same time, the pores of the stage 3 CKD patients will open completely, a part of the Chinese medicine will penetrated into the damaged kidney parts. So the damaged kidney cells and tissues will benefited a lot from the Chinese medicine.

Of course, aside from medicated bath, there are also other Chinese medicine therapies in our hospital like Medicated foot bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. Please send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com for further information.

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