
Is It Reversible For Kidney Failure with Creatinine 13

Is It Reversible For Kidney Failure with Creatinine 13

Kidney Failure or End stage renal disease (ESRD) is a late stage of kidney disease. When you are told this, you may be scared. Creatinine level 13 is really high and dangerous. Can ESRD with creatinine 13 be reversed?

Can ESRD with creatinine 13 be reversed by dialysis?

The dialysis is regarded as a common treatment to deal with the end stage renal disease. But I am so sorry to tell you it can not reverse the end stage renal disease with high creatinine. The dialysis only can help kidney disease patients remove some harmful waste out of body, it has no use in improving the kidney function. In addition, it always can bring a lot of side effects to the patients which are so painful. So we can say the dialysis is not a suitable way to treat the end stage renal disease.

Chinese medical treatments to reverse end stage renal disease with high creatinine

There are some Chinese herbal medicines can help lower high creatinine levels to a certain degree, such as Chinese rhubarb, ligusticum wallichii, turnjujube, flower of kudzuvine, barbados and some Chinese patent drugs like Niao duqing, Shen shuaining, etc. These Chinese herbal medicines achieve lowering high creatinine level through promoting intestinal detoxification. Chinese experts will choose the corresponding medicines and match them according to patients’ specific condition to minimize the side effects.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is commonly used to lower high creatinine levels indirectly. This treatment is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but unlike oral Chinese herbal medicines, it is used externally. Kidney disease patients just need to lie on the bed to take it, which helps avoid damage to gastrointestinal tract and improve the efficiency of medicines. Two bags filled with processed Chinese herbal medicines are put under lower back of patients, with the help of osmosis device, the active materials can directly get to kidneys and begin to play a series of functions like anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, promoting DNA replication of damaged kidney inherent cells and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys, which gradually repairs kidney damage and recovers kidney function. With the recovery of kidney function, high creatinine level can be naturally lowered.

If you also want to reverse the end stage renal disease with creatinine 13, you can contact us by sending emails to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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