
How To Help A Patient With Diabetes and Stage 5 Kidney Failure

How To Help A Patient With Diabetes and Stage 5 Kidney Failure

How to help a patient with diabetes or stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD)? This question is frequently asked by kidney disease patients. I want to tell you, our hospital can help diabetes and stage 5 CKD patients live a normal life. About the detailed information, please see the following.

How to help Diabetic and stage 5 CKD patients?

The Chinese medical treatments in our hospital not only can treat the diabetes, but also can treat the stage 5 CKD. One of them is the “four plus seven” treatment, which is combined by eleven unique Chinese medical treatments. The “four” refers to a bottle of Maikang Composition, an oral Chinese Medicine, a dose of external application and a basin of foot bath with Chinese medicine. “seven” is seven external applications, including Steaming Therapy, Circle Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Enema Therapy, Frangrance Therapy. These treatments have a great function of expand blood vessels, remove blood stasis, enhance immune system, and reverse diabetes and CKD.

In addition, you should also pay more attention to the following things:

1. Eat a healthy diet
2. Keep their blood pressure at a healthy level.
3. Keep their blood sugar or diabetes under control.
4. Have regular checkups with their doctor and include a serum creatinine test to measure GFR.
5. Take medicines as prescribed by their doctor.
6. Exercise regularly.
7. Stopping smoking and alcohol.

Any question, you can leave a message below or send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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