
Kidney Failure patients have lower stomach pain and often go bathrooms

Kidney Failure patients have lower stomach pain and often go bathrooms

"I am a kidney disease patients. Recently, I have back pain and lower stomach pain and often lavadero.A Sometimes I also find blood in my orina.Por do I have these problems?" Yesterday, a kidney patients consulted this questions on our website web.La following is the response of our doctor.

Back pain, pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination and blood in the urine are all common symptoms of chronic kidney disease, and different conditions can cause these problemas.Si patients have these symptoms at the same time, it is more likely to indicate urinary tract infections, which often occur in severe cases.

The first calculation is kidney. If patients have kidney stones, their movement in the urinary tract can scarify the fácilmente.Entonces urothelium, urinary tract infections are easily produced.

The second is a renal cyst renal disease or renal cyst grows poliquística.Cuando each large, any blow to the kidney area or the pressure of the tissues surrounding the kidneys can cause renal cyst rupture the fluid from the sac fácilmente.Cuando it extends to other tissues and organs, stomach pain, back pain, frequent urination, blood and urine will appear.

The third is the ability immune lowest.For reduce the burden on the kidneys, patients often have to follow a restricted diet plan, but if patients can not get enough nutrition like protein from your diet, malnutrition can induce immunity baja.Además, heavy protein loss and the use of some medications can also cause low immune capacity immune bajo.Capacidad gives the opportunity for bacteria or viruses to attack the urinary tract. Finally, urinary tract infections occur.

According to the above causes, the key to control back pain patients, lower abdominal pain, often going to the bathroom and blood in the urine is managing urinario.Ha tract infections effective therapies to manage them? If you can not, consult our online doctor.

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