
Nutrition Tips: Are Oat Meals OK For PKD Patients

Oats meal contains a lots of nutrition that is commonly eaten as a breakfast. Due to various dietary restrictions, most patients do not ensure what food that can eat. Are oat meals good for polycystic kidney disease (PKD) patients?

Actually, oats meal is a really good choice for PKD patients, because it indeed can help patients a lot through the following aspects:

1. Prevent arteries from hardening

In some cases of PKD, illness condition progresses as more and more renal arteries harden. Oatmeal prevents the arteries from hardening, and this can prevent illness condition from worsening.

2. Lower high blood pressure

Oatmeal is high in fiber that can offer many cardiovascular benefits; for instance, oatmeal helps to reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure which is one of the common symptoms of polycystic kidney disease.

3. Strengthen immune system

Oatmeal contains beta-gluten fiber which not only helps to fight against heart disease, but also helps to boost immune system. A strong immune system makes PKD patients be able to avoid infection and cold which are the leading two aggravating factors.

In addition to oat meals, PKD patients also need to take medical treatment to shrink kidney cysts. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, you can successfully shrink cysts and enhance self-handling ability of the kidneys, likeMicro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Acupuncture, Foot Bath, Blood Pollution Therapy, etc. If you want to learn more details, please do feel free to contact us!

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