
What Is The Prognosis With Creatinine Level 637

what can I expect with creatinine 637?It is no doubt that creatinine 637 is much higher than the normal range. In normal condition, creatinine level should range from 44 to 106 umol/L. An elevated creatinine levels always imply some physical health problems. So what will happen with creatinine level 637?

1. What does creatinine reading of 637 mean?

In our daily life, there are too many reasons that can cause high creatinine level, such as dehydration, too much meat intake, strenuous exercise and side effects of medications and forth on. In these conditions, creatinine level can go back to normal by some home remedies. But the result will be different if creatiine 637 is caused by kidney disease, you should receive effective treatments as soon as possible. As we all know, kidney is in charge of filtering extra wastes and toxins from blood fully and timely. However, when kidney is damage to some extent, kidneys cannot work as well as the healthy kidneys. So extra creatinine level will pile up in blood and can’t be removed by kidneys, high creatinine level forms. Generally speaking, creatinine level won’t increase until half of renal function has been damaged. Therefore, creatinine 637 level indicates you are in Kidney Failure stage and your kidney has been damaged severely.

2. How to lower high creatinine level 637?


Dialysis can help you remove the waste product from your blood to reduce the burden of kidneys and thus lower high creatinine level. It is an artificial kidney. But long-term dialysis will generate many complications.

Kidney transplant

Kidney transplant often the last choice of patients with kidney disease in western countries. It enables the patients a new kidney.

Diet for high creatinine level

Diet is an important aspect of treatment because proper diet can help reduce the workload of kidneys. You can ask a dietitian for a detailed diet list. Here I will introduce in general. With kidney disease, you are suggested a low-protein diet. Protein can generate nitrogenous waste after broken down. Too much nitrogenous waste will increase the burden of kidneys. Besides, you’d better take in high-quality protein which will be well absorbed and produce less nitrogenous waste. High sodium food should be avoided to alleviate swelling and high blood pressure, such as canned food, processed food and dry food. Low phosphorous and low potassium food are recommended if your phosphorous and potassium level is high in your test report. You can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com for more specific diet list.

Chinese medicine treatment for high creatinine level

Fortunately, in our treatment, you will have more choices that can help you avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Immunotherapy, Foot Bath, Blood Pollution Therapy, etc can help you lower creatinine level effectively through repairing renal damage and improving renal function. After a period treatments, your life quality will be improved greatly!

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