
The Best Time To Treat Kidney Cyst

The Best Time To Treat Kidney Cyst

What is the best time to treat kidney cyst? When his condition deteriorated to a certain extent, surgery is the best method of treatment, and the risk for surgery experts have many doctors can not ensure hundred percent success, therefore, important to the performance of the surgery When surgery is best.

For the treatment of renal cysts, primarily inhibit the body cyst increases, reducing the cysts on the kidneys oppression. If the patient does not attach importance to the early cyst will continue to increase, the condition synchronized deterioration. And polycystic kidney disease patients, the kidney with multiple cysts born to, but much was apparent in middle age, and polycystic kidney cyst patient number and size with age will gradually increase, increases, treatment many ways, if not actively targeted treatment of polycystic kidney disease will progress rapidly deteriorate, leading to renal atrophy, renal failure.

Stage renal cysts treatment:

If the cyst is small (diameter less than 5cm), no significant downward pressure on the renal parenchyma or renal pelvis, no infection, malignancy, hypertension who do not advocate surgery, do B regularly followed up.

If the cyst is large (diameter greater than 5cm) or obvious oppression above the kidneys, infection and other symptoms, should be treated surgically, surgery include: The B ultrasound or CT guided percutaneous injection sclerotherapy, renal cyst ablation, laparoscopic kidney now Preferred cyst removal surgery because of the small trauma, quicker recovery, has become the surgical renal cyst.

Whether for surgical treatment of renal cysts, good enough to get into specialized hospital diagnosis, specific and fixed, do not self-assertion, depending on the condition, so as not to bear false condition.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment can not eliminate the underlying cyst, only temporary relief persecution of kidney cysts, the need for repeated surgery a short time, and therefore the treatment of polycystic kidney disease fundamentally start, otherwise the process will not only Debu kidney disease to effectively control or reverse, it will accelerate the process of kidney disease. The fundamental way to reduce the cyst is dilation of blood vessels, strengthen cyst fluid reabsorption; inhibition activity wall, reduce the production of cyst fluid. It can also reduce the recurrence. With the decrease of cyst, cyst on glomerular oppression will have to ease, blood pressure will naturally be eased. Cyst will shrink ensure patient a normal life.

Looking for renal cyst surgery time! Only in the most appropriate time for surgery, you can achieve the most effective outcome.

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