
How To Control High Urea and Creatinine In Nephrotic Syndrome

How To Control High Urea and Creatinine In Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome refers to kidney disease with some serious symptoms, and patients have progressively reduced renal function. High levels of urea and creatinine in the blood are much more common when nephrotic syndrome have severe kidney damage. So how do you control the urea and creatinine in nephrotic syndrome?

In general, when nephrotic syndrome get high blood urea and creatinine, the Doctor will suggest patients to take some western medicines, and this can help to reduce the high urea and creatinine somewhat. However, once patients stop medications or reduce the dose, urea and creatinine can still get higher. So nephrotic syndrome patients need to take treatment that can control the urea and creatinine from the root.

Here, we suggest the traditional Chinese medicine to cure nephrotic syndrome from the root and basically control the symptoms. In our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Chinese mediciens use combined with Western medicines to remedy the nephrotic syndrome. The essence of our therapies is the prohibition of fibrosis, recover the damaged cells and kidney function, restoring the structure of the kidney.

Take an example. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This is a herbal treatment and extenral, use two bags of drugs through external applications in the kidneys, patients only need to lie on beds. Then therapy can help repair damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function. In addition, there are also some other for nephrotic syndrome, such as Foot Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, bathroom Therapy, Enema therapy and so on. Our doctor will systemic treatment plan based on the very condition of patients.

After patients return home, our doctors regularly to call his tract disease and give them some suggestions. For more information about our Chinese therapy for nephrotic syndrome to reduce high urea and creatinine, you can leave a message below, or you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

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