
The IgA nephropathy patient find Correct Treatment

The IgA nephropathy patient find Correct Treatment

Mohammod Rabiei is a 38 year old patient with IgA nephropathy Iran. On June 6, 2015 came to our hospital for further treatment. After 45 days of treatment, overall it is doing well. The following are some details about it, let's take a look together.

Medical history:

2 years and 8 months, his blood pressure was 150 / 85mmHg, the routine urine test shows protein 1+, 2+ occult blood. Kidney function test shows serum creatinine 380umol / L.

After treatment in local hospital, your blood pressure drops to 130 / 80mmHg, but other symptoms did not get no relief.

On June 6, 2015 came to our hospital for further treatment. After admitted to our hospital, our doctor did a thorough examination for him. Routine blood test shows hemoglobin 125 g / L. The routine urine test shows protein +, occult blood 1+. Testing renal function shown BUN 14.3 mmol / L, serum creatinine 320umol / L

Diagnosed as:

Chronic glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy, hypertensive renal failure, renal

Four One Medicine, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

Conditions after treatment:

After 45 days of treatment, your appetite will the good, the decreases in blood pressure to 120 / 80mmHg. Routine urine sample blood counts 4.10 × 1012 / L, hemoglobin 123g / L. The routine urinalysis shows protein -, occult blood -. Renal function shows BUN 13.4 mmol / L, UA 502umol / L, serum creatinine 263umol / L

After treatment, he returned to work and find their way .If you want to live a quality life like it or want to control the disease well, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

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