
Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Control High Blood Urea Level

 Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Control High Blood Urea Level

Urea is the terminal product of protein metabolism, and 1g of protein can produce about 0.3g of urea. Generally, kidney is the main organ to excrete urea. When urea is filtered out by glomeruli, it can be reabsorbed by every section of renal tubules. The quicker the rate of urine flow, the less urea reabsorbed by renal tubules.

What is the normal value of urea in the blood. From the above content, we know blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is used in clinic to reflect the amount of urea in blood. Normally, BUN ranges from 9-20mg/dl for healthy adults, and it usually won't be higher than this value until more than 50% of kidney function is lost. Besides, dehydration, diabetic acidosis, severe infections, etc, can also cause elevated BUN level.

Is possible to control blood urea naturally?

As blood urea has a close link with both protein metabolism and kidneys, the treatments should begin with these aspects.

First of all, correct the intake of protein: If kidneys can't do their work properly, extra protein will increase the workload on kidneys.

And then, supplement enough calories: This can reduce the consumption of protein in the body. Generally, it is suitable to take in 30Kca/Kg of calories every day.
In addition, increase kidney filtration rate: For different patients, detailed treatments should be different. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,
Immunotherapy, polluted blood therapy, etc, are chose according to patients’ condition.

High blood urea nitrogen level is the result of kidney damage. Therefore, to lower the high level, the key role should be restoring the impaired kidney structure and improving renal function.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural treatment for lowering high blood urea nitrogen.This therapy can dilate renal arteries and increase blood supply to kidneys.Additionally, it can activate the self-repairing system of the kidney to improve the filtering ability of the kidneys.

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